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2012-10-24 23:47:28 字体放大:  


1. The scene is so beautiful that it__ my power of description.

A transports

B transfers

C transcends

D transforms

2. There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has __ poverty.

A fallen into

B consisted in

C resulted in

D come up to

3. The pressure__ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.

A to compete

B competing

C to be competed

D having competed

4. Visitors are asked to __ with the regulations.

A contrast

B consult

C comply

D conflict

5. To__ the situation, the president of the university put a series of new policies into practice.

A measure

B conflict

C counter

D efficiency


1. 选C ①transcend“超越,超出”There is nothing that seems to transcend the limits of unaided human intelligence.

②transform“改变,改造”A dynamo transforms mechanical energy into electricity.③transport “传送,运输”

④ transfer “转移,移动,转让”

2. 选C ①result in “终归,结果是”Love results in marriage, naturally.

②fall into “归入,掉入,陷入”All changes of matter may fall into two kinds: physical changes and chemical changes.③consist in “在于,存在于”The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its an ancient buildings.

④come up to “达到,接近” The water came up to my waist.

3. 选A这道题目考的是“名词后接不定式”。相关名词是pressure, ambition, campaign, drive, intention, need, reason, right, struggle, tendency, time, way和wish.

4. 选C ①contrast with “与……形成对比,和……形成对照”Blue and yellow contrast prettily in design.

②consult with “请教,向……咨询”If relief does not occur within three days, discontinue use and consult with your physician.

③comply with “听从,顺从,照做”You must comply with the library rules.

④conflict with “冲突”Do your national laws conflict with any international laws?

5. 选C ①counter “应对,反击,对付”They countered our proposal with one of their own.②measure 测量③efficiency效率,功效We will try to raise the efficiency of labor.