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2012-10-24 23:46:21 字体放大:  


1. The mother said she would __ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.

A let down

B let alone

C let off

D let out

2. This kind of material can __ heat and moisture.

A delete

B compel

C constrain

D repel

3. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially __ containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.

A one

B the one

C that

D such

4. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to __ with some of her most treasured possessions.

A divide

B separate

C part

D abandon

5. The new appointment of our president __ from the very beginning of next semester.

A takes effect

B takes part

C takes place

D takes turns


1. 选C ①let off原谅,不处罚,放过 With your record, you can hardly expect to let off lightly.

② let down使失望,食言③let alone别管,别烦Let her alone! She didn’t pick a quarrel with you.④ let out让……离开Open the door and let the cat out.

2. 选D ①delete消去,删除 Delete his name from the list of applicants.②compel强迫,迫使(运用权利/力量对方采取行动)He was compelled by illness to give up his studies.③constrain 限制,约束(强调内心情感),后接不定式 His activities must be constrained.④ repel排斥,抵制,防,抗We should not repel but protect young people’s enthusiasm.

3.选A 依语意以句子结构,此处需要一个代词,表泛指,则选one;而the one表特指 Please get the chair for me, the one in the corner.

4.选C ①part 不及物动词 “分别,离别”Scarcely an hour has passed since we parted.②divide分,划分Is the land to be divided up or sold as a whole?③separate使……分离④abandon抛弃,放弃The order was given to abandon ship.

5.①take effect(药物)见效,(法律等)生效The new system of taxation will take effect next May.②take part参加③take place发生,举行④take turns轮流,依次They are unwilling to take turns at the same computer.