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2012-10-24 13:58:49 字体放大:  


boast, brag, crow, pride


1.boast : 普通用词,指对自己所做的事,自己的长处、财富以及家庭等的夸耀,常含言过其实的意味。

例如:It boasted the largest grain elevator in the world.(它自称有世界上最大的谷仓。)

2.brag : 非正式用词,其夸耀和吹嘘意味强于boast,到了过分夸大,有时令人讨厌的地步。

例如:Mary bragged that she could run faster than Jack.(玛丽夸口说她比杰克跑得快。)

3.crow : 多指大声吵嚷地吹嘘,夸耀自己做某事比他人做得好。

例如:You should not crow over a defeated enemy.(你不应该在被你击败的敌手面前大吹大擂。)


例如:He prides himself upon his skill as a pianist.(他对于自己的钢琴技巧感到很得意。)

boat, ship, canoe, steamer, vessel, craft


1.boat : 泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。

A boat is on the water.一艘船浮在水面。

2.ship : 含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。

A ship sank at the junction of the two rivers last month.上个月一条船在两条河的交汇点沉了。

3.canoe : 指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。

They slid the canoe down to the water.他们使小舟滑到水中。

4.steamer : 指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。

He put her aboard a steamer bind for New York.他把她送上了一艘驶向纽约的汽船。

5.vessel : 多指运货或运人的大船。

We had sighted the vessel and were following it.我们已看到那船并在跟随着它。

6.craft : 船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。

The harbour was full of pleasure craft.港口满是游艇。