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2012-10-24 13:23:49 字体放大:  


certainty, assurance, conviction


certainty : 指在客观上和主观上都无一丝一毫的怀疑。

It's a dead certainty that this horse will win the race.(这匹马在比赛中获胜是必定的。)

assurance : 侧重依靠个人力量、本能、方法或对其他人或事的完全信任,强调有信心。

The young teacher lacked assurance in front of his class.(这位青年教师在学生面前缺少自信心。)

conviction : 多指在理性基础上清除了原有的疑虑或无把握,着重对证据的主观反应。

She's a woman of strong convictions.(她是一位信念坚定的妇女。)

certainly, naturally, of course, surely


1.certainly : 强调有把握,深信不疑。

例如:I will certainly see you into the train.(我一定要送你上火车。)

2.naturally : 指自然而然,毫无造作或天生如此。

例如:One will naturally ask why.(人们当然要问为什么。)

3.of course : 指毫无疑问,自然如此。可与certainly和naturally换用。

例如:He's denied having an affair with secretary but of course there's no smoke without fire.(他不承认他和他的秘书有染, 但是无风不起浪啊。)

no smoke without fire:无风不起浪

4.surely : 表一种必然的可能性,也可表示信心或不轻信。强调主观判断。

例如:It should surely be possible for them to reach an agreement.(想必他们可以达成协议。)