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2012-10-24 12:46:15 字体放大:  


consult, negotiate, confer


consult : 多指向权威或有识之士请教或咨询。

They consulted long, but could not decide.(他们磋商了很久, 但是不能做出决定。)

negotiate : 正式用词,指双方通过争论或讨论最后达成协议等;也指通过商议从而解决问题。

We've decided to negotiate a loan with them.(我们决定和他们商定贷款之事。)

The government negotiated with the opposition party over the new law.(政府就新法与反对党进行了协商。)

confer : 正式用词,强调对观点或意见的交换。

She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.(她先去请教顾问然后再宣布决定。)

considerate, thoughtful, attentive


considerate : 指能设身处地为别人着想,给予同情或谅解。

We think that he is the most considerate person we have ever met.(我们认为他在我们碰到的人中间是最能体谅人的。)

It was very considerate of you to send me a postcard.(你想得真周到, 寄给我明信片。)

thoughtful : 指为他人着想,主动关怀,做有益于他人的事。

She is thoughtful for her friends.(她很体贴她的朋友们。)

It was thoughtful of you to send me the gift.(谢谢你这么体贴送我礼物。)

attentive : 指对人关怀备至,热情周到,这可能出于真诚,也可能出于私利。

She was very attentive to her guests.(她对客人招待得十分周到。)