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2012-10-24 12:28:27 字体放大:  


descend, drop, fall, sink


descend : 通常指沿斜线或斜坡下降。

They descended the slope towards the hamlet.(他们顺坡下山, 向那个村子走去。)

drop : 指物体从一定高度落下。

The sky diver dropped toward the earth.(延缓张伞跳伞者降落到地上。)


The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.(秋天来临时, 树叶开始落下。)

sink : 指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉。

The ship struck against the rocks and sank.(那艘船触礁沉没了。)

The historical article sketched the major events of the decade.(这篇有关历史的文章概述了这十年中的重大事件。)

picture : 着重能够栩栩如生地把事物或场景等描绘出来。

The speaker pictured the suffering of the poor vividly.(演讲者很生动地描述了穷人的生活。)

decide, determine, resolve, settle


decide : 侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。

You are the one to decide.(该由你来决定。)

determine : 指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行。

The board determined company policy.(董事会决定公司的方针。)

resolve : 语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。

The Cabinet met to resolve the crisis.(内阁开会, 寻求解决危机的办法。)

settle : 指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论。

The professor settled the argument with some convincing words.教授用令人信服的话解决的争端。