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die, decease, expire, perish, pass away


die : 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。

He died a millionaire.(他死时是个百万富翁。)

decease : 正式用词,多指法律上的用语。

Upon his decease the house will pass to his wife.(他死后房屋归他太太所有。)

expire : 委婉用词。从本义“从肺部吐出气来”引申为吐出最后一口气,断气而死。

He expired at midnight.(他在午夜死去。)

perish : 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。

Hundreds of sheep perished that year because of drought.(那年由于干旱, 几百头羊突然死去。)

pass away是die的委婉用语。

He passed away peacefully.(他安详地去世了。

destiny, fate, lot, doom, luck, fortune


destiny: 普通用词,侧重预先注定的命运,对未来命运的美好憧憬。

It was the great man's destiny to lead his country to freedom.(那位伟人命中注定要领导他的国家获得自由。)

fate : 较庄严用词,多指不幸的命运,暗示不可避免,令人畏惧和人的意志无法改变,宿命论色彩较浓。

Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.(国家兴亡,匹夫有责。)

lot : 多指偶然的运气或终身遭受的不幸命运。

Her lot has been a hard one.(她命苦。)

doom : 指最终的,常常是灾难性或毁灭性的命运,隐含不可避免的意味。

The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.(这份关于我们经济状况的报告充满了令人绝望和沮丧的调子。)

luck : 普通日常用词,指好的或坏的运气,尤多指好运气,有时也指成功或愉快的结局。

because I have a good luck charm which has already changed my luck. (因为我有‘吉祥符’,它已经把我的运气变好了)

fortune : 普通用词,指由机会或运气来决定的一种命运,如暗示一种比fate好的运气或一种愉快的未来。

By a stroke of fortune, he won the competition. (他靠运气在竞赛中获胜了。)