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2012-10-24 12:10:17 字体放大:  


NASDAQ National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations

纳米 nanometer

难得糊涂 Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise.

南水北调 South-to-North water diversion

南水北调工程 divert water from the south to the north project

男高音演唱家 tenorist

男权主义思想 male chauvinism

囊括 complete a sweep

耐用消费品 durable consumer items (goods)

闹情绪 be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique

内环路 inner ring road

内联企业 enterprises with internal connections

能官能民 be ready to both serve as an offical and be one of the common people

能进能出,能上能下competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots

能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉 He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man.

能上网的手机 WAP phone

内耗 in-fighting

泥菩萨 like a clay Buddha fording the river-hardly able to save oneself; each one is looking out for his own survival

年同比 year-on-year; on an annual basis

年夜饭 family reunion dinner

扭转局面 reverse the tide, turn the table

农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labour (labourers)

农工商联合企业 agro-industrial-commercial combines

诺亚方舟 Noah’s Ark