唯利是图 draw water to one's mill
《围城》 A Surrounded City
伪君子hypocrite; a wolf in sheep's clothing
伪劣商品赔还法 lemon law
卫冕世界冠军 reigning world champion
文科 liberal arts
文明街道 model community
文韬武略 military expertise; military strategy
问讯处 information office; inquiry desk
屋顶花园 roof garden
无氟冰箱 freon-free refrigerator
无人售票 self-service ticketing
无绳来电显示电话 cordless telephone with caller ID
无为而治 govern by doing nothing that is against nature; govern by non-interference
无线应用协议 WAP(wireless application protocol)
无形资产intangible assets
无中生有 make/create something out of nothing
武俠小说 tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; kung fu novel
物价局 Price Bureau
物业管理 estate management, property management
息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters
西部大开发 West Development
西气东输 transport the natural gas from the West to the East
《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West