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2012-10-24 11:54:01 字体放大:  

恭喜发财 May you be prosperous!; Wish you all the best!

功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.

工程公司 engineering company

工商局 industrial and commercial bureau

工薪阶层 salariat; state employee; salaried person

工业控制一体化integrated industrial control; industrial control of integration

工业园区 industrial park

公费医疗 medical services at state expense

公告板服务 Bulletin Board Service (BBS)

公检法 public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts

公积金public accumulation funds, public reserve funds

公开喊价市场 open outcry markets

公款吃喝 recreational activities using public funds

公司分立与解散 separation and dissolution of a company

公益林 public welfare forest

公正、公平、公开 just, fair and open

公证财产 notarize the properties

共产党领导下的多党合作与政治协商 multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of Communist Party

狗仔队dog packs; paparazzo (singular), paparazzi(plural) (It refers to those journalists who are hunting the news of celebrities.)

骨干企业 key enterprise

股本share capital

股本金 equity capital

挂靠 be attached or affiliated to; be subordinate to