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2012-10-24 00:03:57 字体放大:  

21.The statue would be perfect but for a few small __ in its base.

[A] mistakes

[B] weaknesses

[C] flaws

[D] errors

22.The story that follows .__ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.

[A] concerns

[B] states

[C] proclaims

[D] relates

22.The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were _________ and many houses collapsed.

[A] wrecked

[B] spoiled

[C] tom

[D] injured

24.The strong wind with sand comes from the _________ hill in front of their house.

[A] empty

[B] isolated

[C] bare

[D] remote

25.The student was just about to _________the question, when suddenly he found the answer. [A] arrive at

[B] submit to

[C] give up

[D] work out

26.The sun heats the earth,_________is very important to living things.

[A] that

[B] what

[C] which

[D] as

27.The supervisor didn' t have time so far to go into it _________, but he gave us an idea about his plan.

[A] at hand

[B] in turn

[C] in conclusion

[D] at length

28.The survey found that Hungary _________as the most environment-conscious country of East Europe.

[A] broke out

[B] held out

[C] ran out

[D] stood out

29.The survival of civilization as we know it is_________threat.

[A] within

[B] towards

[C] under

[D] upon

30.The swimmer was very tired but he _________reach the shore before he collapsed.

[A] might

[B] could

[C] succeeded to

[D] was able to