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2011-04-15 11:40:55 来源:普特英语听力 字体放大:  
明天专四就要开考。威廉希尔app 提示:考试前一天不要太劳累。尽量不要再死记硬背一些专业知识了。可以适当放松一下,做一点预测题,小试牛刀一下。

11. Being poorly dressed can ____ your chance of getting a job.

A. ruinB. eliminateC. reduceD. endanger

12. There is much more ____ equality between parents and children than in other countries.

A. sociableB. socialC. socialistD. socialistic

13. After the cameraman had taken two photographs of the ants, he found they had ____ all over his feet.

A. gatheredB. swarmedC. crowdedD. flocked

14. Larry advised me to have a ____ of brandy because it will make me less nervous.

A. sipB. mouthC. lickD. bite

15. The scientists realized it would be too ____ to lift the ship in one piece because it was fragile.

A. riskyB. boldC. daringD. dangerous

16. Overjoyed to see his longlost friends, Carter ____ a toast to the health of them all.

A. suggestedB. recommended 

C. proposedD. ordered

17. The whole embarrassing ____ in the bar was a great disappointment to them and set a bad example of English hospitality.

A. accidentB. matterC. incidentD. event

18. Mac learneda lot about himself from this ____ experience.

A. hurtfulB. achingC. unfortunateD. miserable

19. It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the ____in London in the early 18th century.

A. conditionB. affairC. environmentD. situation

20. “Anyone who followed my ____ of rules would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family,”Tom said.

A. packetB. packC. setD. group

11. A)【句意】衣着不修边幅会影响你找工作。

【难点】ruin 意为“使…毁灭;糟蹋掉”;eliminate 意为“消除;淘汰”;reduce 意为“减小,缩小”;endanger意为“危及”。

12. B)【句意】家长和孩子之间有更多的社会平等。

【难点】social 意为“社会的,社会地位的”;sociable 意为“善于交际的”;sociali

st 意为“社会主义的”; socialistic 意为“社会主义的;趋向社会主义的”。

13. B)【句意】摄影师给那些蚂蚁照了两张相之后,发现蚂蚁爬满了他的脚面。

【难点】swarm 意为“成群爬来爬去”;gather 意为“集合,召集”;crowd 意为“聚集,群集”; flock意为“群集,聚集”,这四个词中,swarm 主要指虫子; gather和crowd主要用于人;flock 主要用于动物。

14. A)【句意】拉利建议我呷一口白兰地,因为它能使我放松一点。

【难点】sip 意为“呷,一小口”;mouth 意为“嘴”,mouthful 才是“一口”;lick 意为“舔”;bite意为“咬,叮”。

15. A)【句意】科学家认为将船整体吊起太冒险,因为船太不结实了。

【难点】risky 意为“冒险的,有风险的”;bold 意为“胆大的”; daring意为“勇敢的,敢冒险的,大胆的”;dangerous 意为“危险的”。 bold 与daring 辨析:bold 指具有向困难或危险境况挑战的倾向,daring形容人胆大,敢于冒险。常指在危险情况下,能灵活机智地采取行动。risky和dangerous辨析: risky含有较强的“主动去冒险”的意味,并强调因客观形势变化而造成的突然的危险。dangerous可指肯定的,迫在眉睫的危险,也可指遥远的,不一定发生的危险。

16. C)【句意】见到久别的朋友喜出望外,卡持提议为各位的健康干杯。

【难点】propose 意为“提议祝(酒);提议干杯”;suggest 意为“建议,提议”;recommend意为“推荐,举荐”;order意为“定购,预定”。

17. C)【句意】酒吧里发生的那件令人不安的事件令他们非常失望,因为那树立了一个英国人好客的很坏的典范。

【难点】incident 意为“事件”,指随着某事件附带发生的事件或较小的事件;accident意为“不幸的意外事故”;matter意为“事情,事件”; event意为“事件,大事”,尤指历史事件。

18. C)【句意】麦克从这段不幸的经历了解了自己。

【难点】unfortunate 意为“不幸的,倒霉的”;hurtful 意为“使人痛苦的,伤感情的”;aching意为“疼痛的,使人痛苦的”;miserable 意为“悲惨的,可悲的”。

19. D)【句意】很难想像一个大城市没有警察,但是十八世纪初叶的伦敦就是这样。

【难点】situation意为“情况,处境;状态”;condition 意为“条件,状况”;affair意为“事情,事件”;environment 意为“环境,周围情况”。condition和situation辨析:condition 指事物或人所处的环境或由其他原因产生的特殊情况;situation 指一个特定时期内的形势或局面,这种状况一般由相关的综合环境条件决定。

20. C)【句意】汤姆说:任何遵循我这套规则的人都会得到保佑,过上更富裕的生活,受到家人无限爱戴。

【难点】set意为“一套,一副”;packet 意为“一小群,一小股”; pack 意为“小包,小盒”;group 意为“组群”。