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2011-04-15 11:33:17 来源:普特英语听力 字体放大:  

明天专四就要开考。威廉希尔app 提示:考试前一天不要太劳累。尽量不要再死记硬背一些专业知识了。可以适当放松一下,做一点预测题,小试牛刀一下。

1. “You know so much about literature. It’s a pity you failed your degree,” Harry said, “You ____ a good teacher.”

A. would have beenB. can have been

C. must beD. should have been

2. ____ scientists thought the Red Planet was as lifeless as the Moon with dust swirling over vast sandy deserts.

A. To begin with B. Beginning with 

C. It was begun with D. While beginning with

3. The girl always says to her boyfriend, “I do wish you____so much.”

A. haven’t smokedB. aren’t smoking

C. didn’t smokeD. don’t smoke

4. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____ a substance which they believe can remedy the common cold — Vitamin C.

A. have takenB. have been taking 

C. have been takenD. have being taken

5.____ can make an immense contribution to the creation of peace and plenty in the world by taking care to understand other nations.

A. I and you and all the ordinary people

B. You and I and all the ordinary people

C. You and all the ordinary people and me

D. All the ordinary people and you and me

6. If you start as a junior bank clerk, you will have ____responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.

A.minorB. lessC. smallD. little

7. The city postman has to go on foot, not only along streets, but also up and down stairs , as many ____ offlats have no lifts and no downstairs letter boxes.

A. flightsB. rowsC. blocksD. storeys

8. My father was a dentist in the little town all his life,and it was always taken for granted that I would take over his ____ when he retired.

A. practiceB. jobC. workD. post

9. The same can be said of factory farms, where animals are kept under very ____ conditions.

A. similarB. likelyC. closeD. like

10. There is so much terrorism that people are crying out and asking for more law and ____.

A. securityB. orderC. safetyD. protection

1. A)【句意】“约翰,你的文学知识很丰富,没拿到学位可真遗憾。”哈利说。“你本会成为一个好老师。”

【难点】failed your degree 是过去发生的行为,该句暗含这样一层意义:If you hadn’t failed your degree you would have been a good teacher.

2. A)【句意】一开始,科学家认为红行星就像月亮一样毫无生机,上面有尘土飞扬的沙漠。

【难点】to begin with 是习语搭配,意为“首先,一开始”。

3. C)【句意】这个女孩总跟男朋友说:“我真希望你不抽那么多烟。”

【难点】wish 后的that从句应使用虚拟语气,由于那个男朋友smoke是一般现在时行为,所以选didn’t smoke ,才符合语法要求。

4. B)【句意】1970年以来,数百万热心者一直在服用一种他们认为能治感冒的物质——维生素C。

【难点】与since 引导的时间状语相呼应,主句动词使用现在完成进行时。

5. B)【句意】如果用心去理解其它民族,你和我,以及所有的普通人就能够为世界和平和发展作出巨大贡献。


6. A)【句意】如果你一开始只作银行初级职员,你在处理支票方面的责任就不大。

【难点】minor 意为“不重要的,次要的”; less意为“较少的”,是比较级;small意为“小的,小规模的”,不能修饰responsibility ;little 意为“渺小的,微不足道的,细小的”。

7. C)【句意】这位城市邮差不得不步行,不仅仅沿着大街,而且还要上下楼梯,因为许多栋楼既无电梯也无楼下信箱。

【难点】block 意为“一栋楼;街区”;flight意为“楼梯的一段,飞行”;row 意为“一行,一排,一列”;storey 意为“楼层”。

8. A)【句意】我父亲在小镇里当了一辈子牙医,人们认为我会在他退休后理所当然地接他的班。

【难点】practice 意为“(医生或律师等的)业务,开业”;job 意为“(一件)工作,活儿,零活”;post 意为“职务,职位”;work意为“工作”,是长期稳定的工作或劳动。

9. A)【句意】工厂的农场也一样,动物们被放养在相同的条件下。

【难点】similar 意为“相像的,相仿的,类似的”;likely 意为“可能的”;close 意为“接近的,近的”;like 意为“相像的,相似的”,但少用。

10. B)【句意】恐怖主义如此严重,人们都在大声疾呼制定更多的法律以带来良好的社会秩序。

【难点】order 意为“治安,秩序,顺序”;security 意为“平安,安全感”,相对于受犯罪行为或外来入侵的威胁而言;safety意为“安全,平安”,相对于危险而言;protection 意为“保护,防护”。