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2011-04-15 11:28:59 来源:普特英语听力 字体放大:  

明天专四就要开考。威廉希尔app 提示:考试前一天不要太劳累。尽量不要再死记硬背一些专业知识了。可以适当放松一下,做一点预测题,小试牛刀一下。

1. The new washing machines are ____ at the rate offifty a day.

A. turn upB. turn downC. turned outD. turned in

2.____ should any money be given to a small child.

A. On no accountB. From all accounts.

C. Of no account D. By all accounts

3. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ____the nurse Florence Nightingale.

A. in line withB. in favor ofC. in honor ofD. in place of

4. Visitors are asked to ____ with the regulations.

A. contrastB. consultC. complyD. conflict

5. He thought he could talk Mr.Robinson ____ buyingsome expensive equipment.

A. onB. ofC. roundD. into

6. The republication of the poet’s most recent works certainly ____ his national reputation.

A. magnifyB. strengthenC. enlargeD. enhance

7. Although the two players are ____ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.

A. partnersB. enemiesC. rivalsD.companions

8. His body temperature has been ____ for three days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.

A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnormalD. extraordinary

9. The final document was of course, supposed to mend the damage ______ upon the world by the war.

A. imposedB. impressedC. compelledD. compressed

10 The drowning child was saved by Dick’s ____ action.

A. acuteB. alertC. profoundD. prompt

1. C)【句意】新洗衣机以每天50台的速度生产出来。

【难点】turn out意为“生产”;turn up意为“开大(收音机、煤气等)”;turn down意为“把…调低,拒绝”;turn in意为“上交”。

2. A)【句意】绝不应该给小孩子钱。

【难点】on no account意为“绝不”;from all accounts和by all accounts意为“根据说法”,并非固定搭配,而of no account意为“丝毫不重要”是从成语of…account(“有…重要性”)演化而来的,account可加some, great, little, small等限定词进行修饰,表示程度。

3. C)【句意】在伦敦时,我们访问了为纪念弗劳伦斯 南丁格尔护士而建立的医院。

【难点】in honor of意为“为…的荣誉”;in line with意为“与…一致”; in favor of意为“支持,赞成”;in place of意为“代替”。

4. C)【句意】要求参观者遵守规则。

【难点】comply with意为“遵守”。其它三个词都可与介词with搭配:consult with意为“和…商量”;contrast with意为“与…形成对比”;conflict with意为“与…抵触”。

5. D)【句意】他想他能说服鲁宾逊先生买一些昂贵的设备。

【难点】除talk之外,还可用persuade或reason表达同一意思。另外,talk或reason sb. out of (doing) sth.意为“说服某人不做某事”。

6. D)【句意】这位诗人新作再版无疑会提高他在国内的知名度。


7. C)【句意】这两位网球选手场上是对手,场下是朋友。


8. C)【句意】他的体温一连三天都不正常,最高时达到40.5度。


9. A)【句意】最后的文件当然是弥合战争给世界造成的创伤。


