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2011-04-15 11:18:57 来源:普特英语听力 字体放大:  

明天专四就要开考。威廉希尔app 提示:考试前一天不要太劳累。尽量不要再死记硬背一些专业知识了。可以适当放松一下,做一点预测题,小试牛刀一下。

1. The manager promised to have my complaint ____.

A. looked throughB. looked into 

C. looked over D. looked after

2. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are____.

A. out of work B. out of reach

C.out of stockD.out of practice

3. Some areas, ____their severeweather conditions,are hardly populated. 

A.due toB.in spite of

C.but forD.withregard to

4. His tastes and habits ____ with those of his wife.


5. The criminal always paid ____ cash so the police could not track him down.

A. onB.byC.forD.in

6. Being somewhat shortsighted, she had the habit of____atpeople.


7. When he appliedfor a ____in the office of the local newspapers he was told to see the manager.


8. The ____ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.


9. The travellers ____their journey after a short break.


10. My friend does one thing one day and just the ____the next.His behaviour is inconsistent.


11. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on the plane inAthens, set to ____ when it arrived in New York.

A. get offB. carry offC. go offD. come off

12. Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.

A. of no avail B. on the contrary

C. at a loss D. in no way

13. Have you anything to say ____the proposal?

A. with regard toB. in contrast to 

C. on behalf ofD. for the purpose of

14. The prisoner has been ____ of many previleges that average citizens enjoy.

A. ensuredB. informedC. deprivedD. convinced

15. It has been estimated that the earth’s surface temperature has increased ____ one quarter to three quarters of a degree since 1850.

A. toB. byC. atD. with

16. He was ____ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.

A. draggedB. temptedC. elicitedD. attracted

17. Dogs are often praised for their ____; they almost never abandon their masters.

A. faithB. loyalty

C. trust D. truthfulness

18. As an excellent shooter, Peter practised aiming at both ____targets and moving targets

A. standingB. stationaryC. stillD. stable

19. If each manager makes his usual speech, the meaning will be ____ for fortyfive minutes.

A. expandedB. prolongedC. delayedD. exceeded

20. Small boys are ____ questioners. They ask questions all the time.

A. originalB. imaginativeC. peculiarD. persistent

21. There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has ____ poverty.

A. fallen into B. consisted in 

C. resulted inD. come up to

22. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people ____ and ask them questions.

A. at lengthB. at randomC. in essenceD. in bulk

23. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ____ his financial situation.

A. with respect toB. in accord with

C. regardless of D. in terms of

24. To call the music of another musicculture “primitive” is ____ one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.

A.puttingB. emphasizingC. forcingD. imposing

25. This is the first draft of the book.Please feel perfectly free to ____ it.

A. cope withB. comment onC. complainD. confirm