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2011-04-15 10:52:14 来源:普特英语听力 字体放大:  
明天专四就要开考。威廉希尔app 提示:考试前一天不要太劳累。尽量不要再死记硬背一些专业知识了。可以适当放松一下,做一点预测题,小试牛刀一下。

1. It wasn’t such a good dinner ____ she had promised us.

A. thatB. whichC. asD.what

2. ____ can we yield to the pressure.

A. By and largeB. By means of 

C. By no meansD. In return

3. By the time we reach an agreement, the approvals ____.

A. will be got B. have been got

C. shall have been got D. are got

4. The World Trade Center, the top ____ is 410 meters high, is the tallest building in the world.

A. of whichB. whichC. of whoseD. that

5. Doctor Godwin says that ____ what forceful arguments against smoking there are, many people persist in smoking.

A. thoughB. howeverC. no matterD. but

6. ____ many times, this radio receiver is found very sensitive.

A. Being testedB. Having been tested

C. Having testedD. Testing

7. If traffic problems are not solved soon, driving in cities ____ impossible.

A. becomesB. will have become

C. will become D. become

8. On this busy road drivers ought to be especially careful, ____?

A. ought itB. oughtn’t they

C. oughtn’t it D. don’t they

9. Only when the war was over in 1945 ____ to his hometown.

A. did he returnB. he did return 

C. he returnedD. had he returned

10. ____ his eyes when she told him that it was time for them to leave.

A. Hardly had he openedB. Scarcely did he open

C. No sooner did he openD. He had no sooner opened

11. She has____ as a singer; she’s worth training.

A. abilitiesB. capabilities

C. talentsD. capacities

12. The atomic clock is ____ to within 3 seconds in a century.

A. exactB. clearC. accurateD. explicit

13. That consciousness is being transformed into ____.

A. actionB. actC. deedD. activity

14. To stress the importance of a rich vocabulary, the teacher used a(n) ____.“Writing with a severely limited vocabulary”, she said, “is like trying to paint a circus with only a few colors.”

A. exampleB. comparisonC. contrastD. analogy

15. When my father listens to classical music on the radio, he often swings his arms as if he’s ____ the orchestra.

A. leadingB. controlling

C. conductingD. practising

16. The disappearance of that money from my wallet is quite ____. I’m sure the wallet was in my pocket all day.

A. dramaticB. doubtfulC. mysteriousD. dangerous

17. A completely new situation is likely to ____ whe

n the school leaving age is raised to 16.

A. riseB. raiseC. ariseD. arouse

18. The campers ____ their tent in a sheltered valley.

A. establishedB. placedC. fixedD. built

19. An almost ____ line of traffic was moving at a snail’s pace through the center city.

A. continuousB. constantC. longD. continual

20. On entering another country, a tourist will have to ____ the customs.

A. pass throughB. pass byC.pass overD. pass away

21. Experiments enable young scientists to judge what must be accepted and what must be viewed with ____.

A. beliefB. curiosityC. suspicionD. doubt

22. The city has decided to ____ overhead wires.

A. do off B. do with

C. do away withD. do away

23. George ____ tears when he heard the sad news.

A. broke throughB. broke up 

C. broke intoD. broke out

24. As the airliner began to take off, Jane , together with her boyfriend ____, took a last look at their parents who had come to see them off.

A. on board B. at most C. on schedule D. at random

25. She’s ____ as a very promising young singer.

A. looked onB. looked forC. looked overD. looked up