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2011-04-15 10:27:03 来源:普特英语听力 字体放大:  

明天专四就要开考。威廉希尔app 提示:考试前一天不要太劳累。尽量不要再死记硬背一些专业知识了。可以适当放松一下,做一点预测题,小试牛刀一下。

1. Your examination results were quitesatisfactory, but ____ if you had spent less time in playingfootball?

A. wouldn’t they have been better

B. wouldn’t they be better

C. won’t they have been better 

D. won’t they be better

2. I have given up trying to convince him, there is no point ____ with him.

A.by arguing B. with arguing

C. for arguing D. in arguing

3. Criticism and selfcriticism is necessary ____ it helps us to correct our mistakes.

A. in thatB. such thatC. so thatD. to that

4. To my surprise, the majority of the students ____ in favor of his proposal.

A. isB. areC. beD. was

5.As a matter of fact, children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined ____ high level of self confidence.

A. possessB. to possess 

C. to have possessed D. possessing

6. He managed, with his friend’s assistance, ____ before the building was locked.

A. being finished B. be finished

C. to finishD. being finishing

7. Why was the suggestion that she ____ to our party rejected the day before yesterday?

A. be invitedB. to be invited

C. being invitedD. has been invited

8. The office staff ____ gathered to hear the manager speak.

A. haveB. is beingC. hasD. is

9. ____ the door when a gust of wind blew the candle out.

A. He had no sooner opened 

B. Hardly had he opened

C. Scarcely did he opened

D. No sooner did he open

10. The workers are practising ____ a new song for the coming evening party of the New Year’s Eve.

A. to singB. to be singing

C. singingD. being sung

11. His speech was careful and ____ but his words seemed to make no sense.

A. distinctB. distinctive

C. distinguishableD. distinguished

12. The interpreter gave only a ____ version of the old man’s long rambling account.

A. minimumB. tinyC. condensedD. compressed

13. I know him ____ but I have never actually spoken to him.

A. from sightB. by sight 

C. in sightD. for sight

14. Strenuous efforts have been made to ____ government expenses to a desired level.

A. cut offB. cut backC. cut downD. cut short

15. They were digging to find some ____of the Viking Period.

A. tracksB. traitsC. tracesD. tracts

16. With a wave of his hand, the conjurer made the rabbit ____.

A. lingerB. vanishC. hoverD. soar

17. She has a small machine for ____ coffee beans.

A. breakingB. grindingC. splittingD. crashing

18. The trouble with owning a foreign car is that ____ parts are so expensive.

A. extraB. separateC. spareD. reserve

19. Whenever he writes to his parents, he ____ a check with his letter.

A. includesB. containsC. insertsD. encloses

20. The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the necessary chemical reactions to ____ in his body.

A. proceedB. practiseC. progressD. precede

21. When Mr.Green was away on business, his neighbor gave his wife a(n) ____ with the housework.

A. aidB. helpC. handD. lift

22. There is a ____ of vegetables in Dalian at the moment because of the cold weather.

A. needB. wantC. shortageD. desire

23. When I heard footsteps behind me I was ____ of being attacked.

A. horrifiedB. horribleC. terrificD. terrified

24. His illness made him ____ of concentration.

A. incompetentB. unable

C. incapableD. powerless

25. I let children make their own decisions now they are older; I wouldn’t ____ to interfere.

A. presumeB. resumeC. assumeD. force