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2012-10-26 16:20:06 字体放大:  


beget 产生,引起,招致

cult 祭礼,狂烈的崇拜(者),迷信,邪教

compound 院子,场地

strangle 扼死,闷死

carnage 残杀,大屠杀,成堆的尸体

catechism 教理问答

prophet 预言者,先知

on the run 在逃

proliferation 扩散,繁殖

indigenous 本土的,土生土张的

apocalypse (基督教)启事(录)《圣经新约》

be susceptible 易受人影响

ravage 蹂躏,劫掠

fatalism 宿命论

apocalyptic 预警的

icon (东正教)圣像

doomsday 世界末日

Jerusalem 耶路撒冷,喻:天堂

Kenya 肯尼亚

Nairobi 内罗毕,肯尼亚首都

mommy 嬷嬷=mother

repent 忏悔

Sikh 锡克教(信徒)

defrock 免去…圣职的。这里指:免去圣职的牧师

sect 宗教小组

pose 提问


…the Movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments of God…

【结构简析】Ten commandments 十戒,是圣经中上帝再西奈山上给予摩西(犹太人的古代领袖)十大行为的神圣准则:

have no other god.

Do not make or warship idols.

Do not take the word of the lord in vain.

Keep the Sabbath holy.

Honor one’s father and mother.

Do not kill.

Do not commit adultery.

Do not steal.

Do not give false evidence.

Do not covet another’s property or wife.



the 1978 Jonestown mass suicide and killings by followers of American cult leader Jim Jones that claimed 913 lives.

这是指美国的一个邪教组织――人民圣殿教。1978年11月19日教徒在教主Jim Jones的蒙骗或胁迫下在圭亚那集体自杀或扼杀(或强制和下Kool-Aid)或遭袭击而死。人数高达913。此后Jones一词意为残忍的人。杀人的地点就成为Jonestown。

they are susceptible to any one who is able to tap into their insecurity.


drew on features of Roman Catholicism.


