1. What is the best title for this passage?
[A] Advocating Violence.
[B] Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice.
[C] Important People on Both Sides See Violence As a Legitimate Solution.
[D] The Instincts of Human Race Are Thirsty for Violence.
2. Recorded history has taught us
[A] violence never solves anything.
[B] nothing.
[C] the bloodshed means nothing.
[D] everything.
3. It can be inferred that truly reasonable men
[A] can’t get a hearing.
[B] are looked down upon.
[C] are persecuted.
[D] Have difficulty in advocating law enforcement.
4. “He was none the wiser” means
[A] he was not at all wise in listening.
[B] He was not at all wiser than nothing before.
[C] He gains nothing after listening.
[D] He makes no sense of the argument.
5. According the author the best way to solve race prejudice is
[A] law enforcement.
[B] knowledge.
[C] nonviolence.
[D] Mopping up the violent mess.
1. B 暴力难以消弭种族成见。文章一路头就提出有些国家种族成见严重,而暴力却是公认的一种解决体例。白人采用暴力镇压,黑人以防火、掠抢为招架。而双方的大人物舒适地论及暴力,似乎这是一种正当的解决方案。作者就此指收支类的前进只在于概况――服饰等,人类的本能没有改变。整个有记实历史的文件没有教会人类任何工具。这是真正令人恐怖的事务。
A.鼓吹暴力。C.双方主要人物都把暴力作为正当的解决方案。D. 人类的赋性是嗜暴性。
2. B没有什么。第一段中就明晰提出整小我类有记实历史又长又臭的暴力文件记实,一点都没有教给我们任何工具。
3. D在鼓吹法制方面有坚苦。谜底在第二段,真正有理智的人鼓吹法制,遭到同类们的不放在眼里、不信赖和迫害。他们发现要人倾听他们的定见越来越坚苦。
4. C听后无所得。None the wiser一点也不比以前聪明(这是按字面翻译)。现实就是C项。
5. A法制。第二段最后一句,如不美观我们在法令的构架中进行工作,真正的持久的解决老是能实现的。第二段第二句,他们遭到迫害是因为他们鼓吹法制这种显然令人不能容忍的事。