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2011-01-24 17:11:25 字体放大:  


句子的强调:强调能更有效地进行思想交流。写作者为使读者能更深入地了解自己的观点,有必要运用强调的手段。这就好比平时我们做笔记的时候,用荧光笔划出重点,为的就是能一目了然。那么写作的时候,也不要忘记在必要的地方使用一下 highlight,让那些没有颜色的亮绿亮黄,一下子达到读者心里去。


1)句尾强调(End Emphasis)英语句子中通常将需要强调的部分置于句子末尾。

弱:He has achieved success, I believe.

强:He has, I believe, achieved success.

2)倒装语序(Inverted Order)运用点到正常语序的手法达到强调。

正常:I did not believe what she said for a moment.

倒装:Not for a moment did I believe what she said.


…that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.



1)I have never dreamed about it.

2)She was so angry that he could not speak.

3)He will be back, I’m sure.

4)If he is your best friend, he would help you.


1)I have never dreamed about it.

Never have I dreamed about it.

2)She was so angry that she could not speak.

So angry was she that she could not speak.

3)He will be back, I’m sure.

He will, I’m sure, be back.

4)If he is your best friend, he would help you.

Were he your best friend, he would help you.