
2013-03-01 13:56:06 字体放大:  

 【温馨提示】:2013年职称英语考试已经进入倒计时阶段,小编为大家找了一些“全国职称英语考试句型精华荟萃”,希望对大家有所帮助,祝您在威廉希尔app 学习愉快!

If I should ..., I will ...


说明︰这是表示与未来事实相反的假设<句型>,if <子句>要用<助动词> should,译成“万一”。should可置于<主词>前,将 if 省略。<主要子句>的<助动词>则视可能性做变化:若可能性低,则为过去式,若可能性高,则为现在式。should 可以提前,而将 if 省略。

If he should come, I would tell him the truth. 万一他来,我会把真相告诉他。

If he should come, I will tell him the truth. 万一他来,我一定会把真相告诉他。

Should the boy come again, I would throw him out. 要是那男孩在来,我就把他撵出去。

If it should rain, our plan would be spoiled. 万一下雨,我们的计划就泡汤了。

Should that be true, the contract would be canceled. 假如那是真的,合约就该取消。

Should another world war break out, what would become of human beings?


If I were to ..., I ...

结构︰If…were to…,…would/should 等+原形动词

说明︰这也是表示与未来状况相反的假设<句型>,与“if ... should, ...”大致相同,但“if ... were to”所表示的可能性更低,通常用以表示“与真理相反”的<假设语气>。

If the sun were to rise in the west, he would pass the exam.


If I were to be born again, I would like to be a bird. 我要是再活一次,我想当一只鸟。

If the sun were to disappear, what would the earth be like?


Were I to die tomorrow, what would my children do?


If I + V-ed, I would ...

结构︰If…+过去式动词…,主词+过去式助动词(would/should 等)+原形动词

说明︰这是与现在事实相反的假设句型。if <子句>中的<动词>,不论<主词>为第几人称,一律用 were,were 可置于主词前面,而省略 if。过去式<助动词>除用 should(用于第一人称)、 would(用于第二、三人称)外,还可用不分人称的 could,might 和 ought to,它们与<动词>原形结合起来构成<假设语气>。

If I knew his address, I could write to him. 如果我知道他的住址,我会写信给他。

If I were free now, I might call on him. 如果我有时间,我可能会去看他。

If you were in my shoes (=Were you in my shoes), what would you do?


Were I rich enough, I would buy a sports car. 如果我有足够的钱,我就买一辆赛车了。

How happy I would be if I were a few inches taller! 要是我再高几寸,我会好高兴。

If I had a car, I could take her for a drive. 如果我有车, 我就带她去兜风了。

If I had binoculars, I could see that comet clearly.


It is time that ...

结构︰It is(high)time+(that)+主词+过去式动词

说明︰此句型意为“已经到了…的时间了”。过去式<动词>处有时亦使用“should+<动词>原形”。that <子句>也能用 to <不定词>来表示。

It is time he went to bed. 该是他睡觉的时间了。

It is time that you left for the duty. 该你当班了。

It is time that you reflected upon your mistakes. 该是你反省思过的时候了。

It is high time he should come to our house for dinner.已经到了他该上咱家吃晚饭的时候了。

It is time for somebody to teach you to behave yourself.


If I had V-ed, I would have ...

结构︰If…had+过去分词…,主词+would/should 等+have+过去分词

说明︰这是与过去事实相反的假设<句型>。if <子句>要用<过去完成式>,<主要子句>则要用过去式<助动词>(would,should,ought to,might,could)+have+过去<分词>。if <子句>中的 had可置于<主词>前面,而省略 If。

If I had seen him, I would have told him the truth. 如果我当时看见他,我会告诉他实情。

I could have finished the task if I had had more time.


If we had known of your departure, we would have seen you off at the airport.


I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned.


I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses.


Had he not apologize to her, she would not have forgiven him.


Had he not saved me, I might have been drowned. 我可能溺死了,若非他救了我。

Had I proposed to you, would you have married me?


Had you not helped us, we should have canceled this transaction.


If I had V-ed, I would ...

结构︰If…had+过去分词…,主词+would/should 等+原形动词+now/today

说明︰这是<时态>不一致时的假设<句型>,亦称混合假设条件句。即:if <子句>若与过去事实相反,用<过去完成式>表示;而<主要子句>若与现在事实相反,则用过去式<助动词>表示。此类<主要子句>句尾通常有表现在的<时间副词>,如 now,today 等。

If he had worked harder when young, he would be well off now.


If I had been rich ten years ago, I could buy that house today.


Had he told the truth, he wouldn’t be punished now.如果他当时肯说实话,现在就不会受罪了。

Had he followed the doctor’s advice, he might be alive now.


I wish ... + V-ed ...

结构︰I wish+(that)+主词+动词过去式/过去完成式(had+过去分词)…

说明︰I wish 之后以 that <子句>为<受词>时,该<子句>的<动词>一定要用<假设语气>:若<动词>用过去式,表示与现在事实相反的愿望;若用<过去完成式>,则表示与过去事实相反的愿望。“I wish+that-<子句>”的<句型>也可用“I would rather+that-<子句>”取代。而 I hope 之后以 that <子句>做<受词>时,该<子句>用一般<时态>。

I wish there were meadows and lambs. 但愿有草地与小羊。

I wish I were as tall as you. 但愿我像你一样高。

I wish he could tell us. 但愿他能告诉我们。

I wish (=I would rather) he could come tomorrow. 但愿他明天能来。

I wish you had not been caught in the rain yesterday. 但愿昨天你们没有淋到雨。

I wish you had not told the truth. 但愿你没有说实话。

I wish I had known you ten years ago. 真希望十年前就已经认识你。

If only + V-ed

结构︰If only+过去式/过去完成式


If only I had a rich father. 要是我有个有钱的爸爸就好了。

If only he had been here. 要是他当时在这儿就好了。

If only I had another chance. 要是我再有一次机会就好了。


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