
2014-11-11 16:21:40 字体放大:  


creationism 神造说 legislature .立法机关

affiliated organization 附属机构 refine 精炼,提纯; 改进

paleontology .古生物学 genetics .遗传

genomics 基因学 terminology.术语


1.the theory of evolution:进化论

2.serve as:担任

3.Weis leads the effort in the face of what the institute views as opposition and indifference from school boards and government entities.:研究所看到了来自学校董事会和政府部门 的反对和冷漠管如此,Weis仍然带领大家为-卫进化论而努力。 in the face of:意为“despite the opposition of”(不管,不顾)。 entity: 实体。如,business entity:企业单位,营业单位


5.leave it out:忽略,遗漏

6.speak out in favor of its teaching:为进化论教育而疾呼 speak out:大胆地说,大声地说 in favor of: in support of 支持;赞同

7.80- plus member organizations: 80 多个成员组织。plus:超过的,略大的,如:All the children here are 10plus.这些孩子年龄都在10岁或者10岁以上。 Her mark was B plus。她的分数是 B+。

8.address:意为 “to deal with”(处理,解决,对付)。如: to address the issue of terrorist attack:对付恐怖袭击的问题

9. molecular biology:分子生物学

10.underlying:意痴 “basic; fundamental”(基础的;基本的)。

11.water down:冲淡,掺水,打折扣