
2015-02-02 17:41:04 字体放大:  

1.In the Vendee Globe race.Ellen won

A.the second place.

B.a gold medal.

C.the“Young Sailor of the Year”award.

D.the“Best Woman Sailor”award.

【正确答案】:A 【您的答案】

解析:题意:在“旺底(帆迪)环球航海赛”中,艾伦赢得了第二名。 文中第二段谈到她是进入这场比赛的两名女选手中的一个,在24个竞争对手中.她赢得了第二名,故选A。

2. Ellen lived in a kind of hut for three years

A. while she was learning how to repair sail

B. because she was ambitious for the coming rac

C. while she was trying to get financial support for a rac

D. because she was interested in country lif

【正确答案】:C 【您的答案】

解析:句意:当她努力地要为比赛获得资金支持的时候,艾伦在一种棚屋里住了三年。 文中第三段第二句谈到“当艾伦还很年轻的时候,她就在一种棚屋里住了三年,那时她正在努力地想要获得进行横渡大西洋比赛的奖金”,故选C。

3. The word“solo’’in the title could be best replaced by

A. single-hande

B. self-mad

C. one performe

D. self-starte


解析:句意:题目中的单词“solo”,可以被“single-handed”代替。 文中第四段第一句提到“艾伦必须学会许多事情,因为单独航行意味着……”。故选A。

4. According to paragraph 4,which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. She has to learn to repair sail

B. She has to be her own teache

C. She has to be very fi

D. She has trained herself to sleep for about 20 minutes at a tim


解析:句意:根据第四段,下列哪种说法是不对的?她是她自己的老师。 文中第四段提到“艾伦必须学会许多事情,因为单独航行意味着她必须是自己的船长、电工、修帆工、工程师、医生、记者、摄影师和厨师。她也必须非常适合这些工作,并且由于在海洋中长时间睡觉会非常危险.她就训练自己每次睡觉时间大约为20分钟”,故选B。

5. How does Ellen feel about the Vendee Globe race?

A. It is enjoyabl

B. It is surprisin

C. It is dangerou

D. It is relaxin


解析:句意:艾伦感觉“旺底(帆迪)环球航海赛”比赛很愉悦。 文中最后一段谈到艾伦非常享受在大海上的感觉.感到自己非常幸运,故选A。


