
2015-01-26 17:46:59 字体放大:  

16.on display (=being shown publicly) 陈列

17.dispose of (=get rid of, throw away) 处理掉

18.beyond dispute 不容争议的,无可争议

19.in dispute 在争议中

20.in the distance 在远处。make out 辩认出

21.(be) distinct from ( = be different from) 与……截然不同

22.distinguish between (=make or recognize differences) 辨别

23.distinguish……from 把……与……区别开

24.do away with (=get rid of; abolish; discard eliminate ) 除去,废除,取消; do away with (=kill) 杀掉,镇压

25.have……to do with 与……有关系

26.without doubt (=undoubtedly) 无可置疑地

27.in doubt (=in a condition of uncertainty ) 对……表示疑惑

28.be due to 是由于

29.come off duty 下班

30.go on duty 上班


