
2013-03-27 20:57:26 字体放大:  

6. I enjoyed the play-it had a clever plot and very funny dialogues.

A. long

B. original

C. humorous

D. boring

7. He demolished my arguments in minutes.

A. disproved

B. disputed

C. accepted

D. supported

8. The two banks have announced plans to merge next year.

A. combine

B. sell

C. close

D. break

9. Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone.

A. immediate

B. great

C. equal

D. moderate

10. I want to provide my boys with a decent education.

A. private

B. general

C. good

D. special

答案:6. C[解析]本句意思:我很喜欢那个游戏--它有巧妙的情节和有趣的对话。original:原始的,原创的,例如:He can read Shakespeare in the original.他能读莎士比亚作品的原文。boring:乏味的,无聊的;humorous:幽默的,滑稽的,例如:lndeed he has a solemn face,but he is very humorous at heart.他的确有一副严厉的脸孔,但内心却很富幽默感。

7. A [解析]本句意思:他在几分钟内就驳倒了我的观点。demolish:****,驳倒;dis-rove:反驳,例如:lt is nearly impossible to disprove a rumor.要辟谣几乎是不可能的。dispute:辩论,怀疑,例如:We disputed with each other on various issues.我们为各种问题互相争论。 support:支持,扶持,如:1 will always support you whatever you do.不论你做什么,我都会支持你。

8. A [解析]本句意思:两家银行已宣布了在明年合并的计划。merge:合并,兼并;combine:使结合,使联合,和merge意思接近,例如:to combine theory with practice理论联系实际;sell:卖,出售;close:停止,关闭,例如:to close an account关闭一个(银行)账户。break:打破,折断,例如:The old man broke a tooth on a bone.这老人咬骨头把一颗牙折断了。

9. B[解析]本句意思:社会工作者的定期访问对独居老人很有价值。lmmense:巨大的、较好的;immediate:立即的,直接的,例如:He demanded immediate payment.他要求立即付款。great:巨大的,符合题意,例如:He achieved great success in his career.他的事业取得了巨大的成功。equal:平等的,用法为be equal to;moderate:适度的,中等的,例如:lt is a large house.but thegarden is of moderate size.那是一栋大房子,可是花园却只有一般的大小。

10. C[解析]本句意思:我想给我的孩子们提供良好的教育。decent:相当好的,体面的;更多用法有:decent income可观的收入,decent meal像样的饭,decent cloth体面的服装;good和它意思相同。private:私人的,隐私的,例如:Fans are always curious about the singer's private life。歌迷总对歌星的私人生活感兴趣。general.普遍的,例如:the general public普通大众。special:特别的,例如:This is a special occasion.这是一个特殊的场合。

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