职称英语词汇指导综合类选择 练习题

2013-03-07 19:17:54 字体放大:  

6.Each member of the committee helped to gather the information contained in the report.

A surmount B consig C compil D devise

7.In recent years people have become interested in purchasing gemstones for investment.

A works of arts B rural land C houses D jewels

8.Mosquitoes generally breed in swampy areas.

A always B usually C rarely D never

9.Solar energy is generated as protons fuse to form helium atoms.

A bred B conceived C developed D produced

10.Since rhetoric is the art of calculated polemic and has persuasion as its goal, can it be considered a verbal science?

A competition B objective C subject D core

答案:6.C gather v. 搜集 (compile)/surmount v. 战胜;超越 (overcome, conquer)/consign v. 委托 (authorize, commission)/devise v. 设计 (invent, design)

7.D gemstone n. 宝石 (jewel)

8.B generally adv. 一般地 (usually)/mosquito n. 蚊子/swampy adj. 沼泽的(muddy, marshy)

9.D generate v. 产生 (produce)/solar adj. 太阳的/proton. 【核】 质子/fuse v. 聚变(blend) helium atom 氦原子

10.B goal n. 目标 (objective, aim)/rhetoric n. 修辞学/polemic. 辩论(debate)/verbal adj. 语言的(lexical)

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