
2015-02-26 17:14:21 字体放大:  


A.Some environmentalists are against the project on biological grounds.

B.What do the world's longest bridges have in common?

C.If true,one day you might spy the beast while zipping (呼晡而过)across the Messina Strait Bridge.

D.They're what will keep the bridge from going anywhere.

E.The second job will be to pull two sets of steel cables across the strait,each set being a bundle of 44,352 individual steel wires.

F.They will tip up the scales at 166,500 tons — more than half the bridge's total



2.B第二段第二.句的主语是They。由于表语是suspension bridges,They替代的一定是 前面句子出现过的bridges。六个选项中,只有B含有bridges,且填在第二段段首意思 连贯。

3.E"空3”前面的句子有the first job这几个词。有first,必有second/then。六个选项中,只 有E含有The second job。所以,E是答案。

4.F"空4”前面的句子说的是,把这些吊索吊高定位是有难度的,不仅仅由于它们很长,还 由于它们很重。F介绍了它们的重量,应该是“空4”前面的句子的后续句。

5.D"空5”前面的句子说的是,桥桩很重要。为什么很重要呢? D解释了桥桩的作用,意思 连贯,所以是答案。