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2013-03-04 13:07:04 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 为广大参加2013年托业托福考试的考生提供了“托业指导 或者托福口语 托福听力 托福阅读 托福写作”,希望对考生朋友有所帮助!


take note, summarize, parahrase Integrared writing 的基本类型

转折关系 Lecture 驳斥 Reading 或者 Lecture 提出 Reading 未提及的不良方面或问题

延续关系 Lecture 支持 Reading 或者 Lecture 解释 Reading 的原因和结果

延续 + 转折 目前看出了考到一次延续关系,其余全部都是 Lecture 驳斥 Reading 所以,我们现在还是可以大胆的只准备驳斥

Grammar and vocabulary

我们在读和听的时候要记什么? 我们在读和听的时候要记什么

In reading

1. Mean idea
2. Explanation imformation 主要理由

In listening

1. Mean idea
2. Explanation information
3. supporting examples


听力材料:lecture, listenling material, listenling, listenling passage
阅读材料:reading, passage, reading passage, article
讲话人:lecturer, professor, speaker
文章作者:author, writer
陈述:state, indicate, believe, suggest, discuss, talk about, make the point that, say, demonstrate, illustrate
驳斥:rufute, disagree with, cast doubt on, challenge, oppose, conflict with, deny the statement of, contradict, differ from, in contrast
支持:support, enhance, uphold, justfiy, strengthen
转折:support, enhance uphold justify
列举:first, second, third, first of all, secondly, also, finally< /p>

学术词汇: reason, cause, basis, ground, motive, motivation example, instance evidence, 
                      data, fact, proof explanation, account definition, description, clarfication assumption, 
                      premise conclusion, belief, idea, opinion, judgment, view, argument, theoty issue, 
                      matter, topic, problem, subjest acknowledgement, observation, prediction statement,
                      point advice, proposal, plan, recommendation








