威廉希尔app 托业频道为大家提供备考今年8月-12月份的托业考试,搜集整理了商业托福辅导:TOEIC for Companies等资料,希望给大家带来帮助,请不断关注本栏目。
• RECRUITING: With TOEIC you can evaluate the English proficieny level of every job candiate and compare than against each other. The TOEIC score is much more precise and objective than phrases such as "fluent" or "school knowledge".
• Defining JOB REQUIREMENTS: With TOEIC you can determine the English skill requirements for each particular post within your organization. The method applied for this purpose is called benchmarking.
• You can plan and organize FURTHER EDUCATION programs for your staff members.
• Based on the BENCHMARKING result you also can determine which of your staff is capable of taking part in further training programs held in English.