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2012-10-25 17:37:39 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 教师频道编辑为参教师资格考试的考生搜集整理了:2012托福考试阅读素材:监视器赶走瞌睡虫等信息,祝愿广大考生取得满意的成绩。

German scientists have invented a device designed to prevent motorists from falling asleep at the wheel which could save 300,000 lives a year around the world. The system devised at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology involves tiny cameras that monitor eye movements which trigger an alarm when drivers seem about to nod off.


Professor Peter Husar of the institute said: 'What we have developed is a small modular system with its own hardware and programmes on board, so that the line of vision is computed directly within the camera itself.

发明此设备的教授Peter 说,该设备属于自带存储命令的模块化系统,司机“视线”运动情况将会受到系统中的微型摄像头监视。

'Since the Eyetracker is fitted with at least two cameras that record images stereoscopically – meaning in three dimensions– the system can easily identify the spatial position of the pupil and the line of vision. 'It will immediately recognise when a driver‘s eyes are are tired or close their eyes for a moment.'


The system is called 'Eye Tracker' and could be on the market as early as the end of next year. The size of a matchbook, testing is due to start in January 2011 and scientists hope it will be ready for sale by December at around ?100 a unit.



at the wheel: 开车

stereoscopically adv. 实立体镜地

dimensions n. 规模,大小
