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2012-10-19 14:08:06 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 教师频道编辑为参教师资格考试的考生搜集整理了:托业阅读听课笔记:题型篇之列举题等信息,祝愿广大考生取得满意的成绩。

作者:北京新航道学校 李传伟


列举题,也叫排除列举题,ETS称之为“否定事实信息题”(negative factual information question)。基本形式如下:

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X?

The author’s description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT


列举题的基本思路是排除,排除与原文相符的选项,与原文相矛盾的选项或原文未提到的选项是正确答案。注意问题中的否定词Not 和EXCEPT。








The opposite of an opportunist is a competitor. These organisms tend to have big bodies, are long-lived, and spend relatively little effort each year on reproduction. An oak tree is a good example of a competitor. A massive oak claims its ground for 200 years or more, outcompeting all other would-be canopy trees by casting a dense shade and drawing up any free water in the soil. The leaves of an oak tree taste foul because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or indigestible to many organisms. The tannins are part of the defense mechanism that is essential to longevity. Although oaks produce thousands of acorns, the investment in a crop of acorns is small compared with the energy spent on building leaves, trunk, and roots. Once an oak tree becomes established, it is likely to survive minor cycles of drought and even fire. A population of oaks is likely to be relatively stable through time, and its survival is likely to depend more on its ability to withstand the pressures of competition or predation than on its ability to take advantage of chance events. It should be noted, however, that the pure opportunist or pure competitor is rare in nature, as most species fall between the extremes of a continuum, exhibiting a blend of some opportunistic and some competitive characteristics.

All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 7 as contributing to the longevity of an oak tree EXCEPT

the capacity to create shade

leaves containing tannin

the ability to withstand mild droughts and fire

the large number of acorns the tree produces

本题对应第七段(见上文),其中前三个选项所说的条件(从第四句开始)都对oak tree的长寿有利,而第四个选项所说的“acorns的数量”并未与oak tree的寿命直接联系在一起,因此为正确答案。




They used the pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying things from place to place.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way that ancient people used pottery?

(A) To hold food.

(B) To wash clothes.

(C) To cook.

(D) To transport objects.



Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd, Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science, A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley and people were aware of famine before Swift. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression the satiric method that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are morally wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions. With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.
