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2012-08-05 14:57:53 字体放大:  

51. some

52. such

53. that

54. this

55. i

56. he

57. you

58. who

59. and

60. because

61. but

62. or

63. if

64. though

65. while

66. how

67. when

68. where

69. why

70. again

71. ever

72. far

73. forward

74. here

75. near

76. now

77. out

78. still

79. then

80. there

81. together

82. well

83. almost

84. enough

85. even

86. little

87. much

88. not

89. only

90. quite

91. so

92. very

93. tomorrow

94. yesterday

95. north

96. south

97. east

98. west

99. please

100. yes

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