
2013-03-25 15:48:38 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 商务英语考证频道为大家搜集整理了商务英语真题相关知识内容,具体内容如下:


1. It is r(  )e to say you don’t like hot food, when she spends so long preparing it. 不礼貌的
2. He seemed to s(  )n women and never married. 藐视
3. He becomes very t(  )e when he gets drunk. 多话的
4. His a(  )e toward school changed from dislike to great enthusiasm. 态度
5. He is a memeber of the college f(  )y. 教职员
1. 正确答案:rude 题目翻译:当她花了很多时间准备,你说不喜欢热的食物是粗鲁的。
2. 正确答案:scorn 题目翻译:他轻视妇女没有结婚。
3. 正确答案:talkative 题目翻译:他喝了酒后变得话多了。
4. 正确答案:attitude 题目翻译:他对学校的态度从不喜欢到非常热情。
5. 正确答案:faculty 题目翻译:他是一名大学讲师。
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