商务英语初级真题:test 1 part five

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商务英语初级真题:test 1 part five


Questions 23-28

· Read the article below about a successful business partnership.

· For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.

· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

商务英语初级真题集第四辑test 1 part five

23 Phil stopped selling photocopiers because he

A was unable to meet the sales targets.

B recognised an opportunity in another field.

C became aware of their limited market potential.

24 Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?

A He liked the way Sean did not give up trying.

B He thought they would have a lot of common interests.

C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.

25 Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?

A He had doubts about the profitability of the venture.

B He was unsure about giving up an established career.

C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship.

26 In what way does Sean believe that business is like golf?.

A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.

B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.

C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.

27 Sean says he is surprised that

A he and Phil are still good friends.

B their company has been so successful.

C more people do not set up their own businesses.

28 What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?

A the strength of the friendship they have

B being in a commercial field which is rapidly expanding

C having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplace

key:23 B 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 B 28 C

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