商务英语初级真题:test 1 part six

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商务英语初级真题:test 1 part six

人民邮电出版社剑桥BEC真题集初级第四辑Test 1  PART SIX

Questions 29-40

· Read the introduction to a company report below.

· Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page,

· For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

商务英语初级真题集第四辑test 1 part six

29 A as B although C so

30 A join B catch C meet

31 A grown B risen C increased

32 A do B doing C done

33 A has B gets C takes

34 A even B just C only

35 A the B a C this

36 A on B for C in

37 A there B it C what

38 A at B with C of

39 A until B except C without

40 A whether B why C where

key:29 C 30 C 31 A 32 B 33 A 34 C 35 B 36 C 37 B 38 A 39 C 40 B

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