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商务英语考试BEC中级听力练习题:老板Dialogue 1
A: How are things at the office lately?
B: Just awful. Two weeks ago, we got a new boss, and I can't stand him. He is really unreasonable about our workload. Since he came, I've been so busy I haven't had time to breathe!
A: That bad, huh? What about his personality? It's a nice guy at least?
B: I should be so lucky. He not only give us too much work, but he is also just plain mean about it. He constantly yells at us or criticizes us. He is always degrading the employees.
A: What a terrible working enviroment! Have you tried to talk anyone about it? Maybe the boss of your boss?
B: I was going to, but my boss guessed what I was thinking. He gave me so much work to do this afternoon that I didn't get around to meeting with the supervisor of our department.
A: It must be terrible. Why don't you just quit?
B: If it wasn't for the money, I would quit in a heartbeat. But the probelm is, I can't support myself if I don't work.
A: Yeah. But a boss like that? To deal with him everyday, you should get a raise!