威廉希尔app 商务英语考证频道为大家搜集整理了商务英语真题相关知识内容,具体内容如下:
商务英语考试BEC中级听力练习题 国际商务旅行
Dialogue 1
A: I hear you're being sent to Madrid for the annual conference. Is that right?
B: Yes, it would be my first trip overseas. Actually, it's going to be my first time leaving the country.
A: Are you serious? You haven't even been anywhere on vacation?
B: No, I have never vacationed anywhere exotic. But even if I don't get a chance to travel on my personal time, at least I can travel on company time!
A: Well, being able to go to the conference sounds like such a great opportunity. Have you applied at the embassy for a visa yet?
B: Yes, it wasn't too hard to get. All I had to do was fill out the paperwork and pay the application fee.
A: You leave next Tuesday, right? What time is your flight?
B: My flight departs at 7 am. I have everything except for my luggage ready.
A: If your flight is leaving so early, I can take you to the airport and see you off. I'll still be able to make it into the office by 9.
B: That would be great! Thanks a lot!
Dialogue 2
A: How were things in the Tokyo branch when you were there?
B: Good! They have expanded and are doing better than they were last quarter. It's nice to see some improvement for a change.
A: Do you see the trend continuing over the next few months?
B: Yes, especially with so many of our executives going back and forth from here to Japan. The only problem is, they may have trouble when they go to open up business here.
A: Why would you say that?
B: They aren't too familiar with doing business outside of Japan. There are a lot of cultural differences to account for.
A: I'll say! Sometimes they just do things really differently. But one thing I can say, they are really hospitable.
B: Have you ever been to Japan?
A: Sure! I just got back yesterday. I'm still suffering from jet lag.