威廉希尔app 商务英语考证频道为大家搜集整理了商务英语真题相关知识内容,具体内容如下:
BEC中级考试真题及答案 小作文
You are a human resouce management.Your company needs 3 staff to work at its Head Office for 6 months.
*explaning why the staff are needed at the Head Office
*saying what the work will involve
*telling staff what to do if they are interested
1.写作第二题是回一封邮件。大致意思是我们公司要买security computer software,有个叫paul的sales manager毛遂自荐说他们公司的产品好,然后我要回信给他们问software是否适用于所有computer,然后对他们产品24小时服务的这个feature很满意,要问他们打几折,然后与paul约时间再进行深入的了解做生意。
2.The company you work for would like to buy some internet security software. Below is a letter you have received from Paul Heaton at TK plus, a software company that you have contacted.
I understand your company is interested in buying (Yes ---say why )TK Plus Internet security software. (Ask if suitable for all computers )The key features of our product are :
'24-hour telephone helpline (explain why important for our company )
'complete anti -virus protection
As a new customer , your company would qualify for a special discount on a first order (ask for details )
If you would like a demonstration ,please contact me to arrange one . (suggest date )
Yours sincerely