
2011-05-12 14:33:08 来源:internet 字体放大:  

  2011年BEC考试即将来临,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了BEC商务词汇供大家复习


  1.convertible adj.可兑换的

  【商务用语】convertible note 可兑换纸币

  convertible bond 可兑换的债券

  convertible credit 自由外汇贷款

  convertible foreign exchange 现汇

  2.cook vt.虚报;伪造

  【商务用语】cook the accounts 篡改账目

  cook the books 造假账

  【例句】The accountants who were paid to cook the firm books are disreputable.


  3.cooperate vi.合作,协作

  【例句】When buyers cooperates, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.


  4.cooperative adj.合作的,协力的 n.合作社,合作团体

  【商务用语】consumer cooperative 消费合作社

  credit cooperative 信用合作社

  insurance cooperative保险合作社

  marketing cooperative供销合作社

  5.corner vt.垄断 vi.囤积

  【商务用语】corner the market 囤积居奇,垄断市场

  【例句】This firm has cornered the wheat market.

  6.correspond vi.符合;协调

  【例句】These goods don't correspond with my order.


  7.correspondent n.通讯员;代理银行;客户

  【商务用语】correspondent account 代理账户

  correspondent bank 通知行

  correspondent tracer 代理银行追询书

  8.cosmopolitan n.世界主义者 adj.世界性的

  【商务用语】cosmopolitan city 国际都市

  issue of cosmopolitan import 世界进口问题

  9.costume n.服装

  【例句】Her national costume showed which country she came from.


  10.cottage n.村舍

  【商务用语】cottage industry 家庭手工业
