威廉希尔app 为您提供25年来微软首次更换新logo(双语),希望能够帮到大家!
As of today, customers will begin to see the company's new trademark throughout Microsoft's websites and on new TV ads. The new corporate symbol will also gradually appear on products in Microsoft's retail store, per the company blog.
Microsoft's Jeff Hansen told the Seattle Times that the update is meant to "signal the heritage but also signal the future — a newness and freshness." Indeed, the latest logo design includes a splash of color and thinner font type that the previous logos.
The Microsoft blog elaborates more on the thought process behind the technology giant's sleek new logo: “The logo has two components: the logotype and the symbol. For the logotype, we are using the Segoe font which is the same font we use in our products as well as our marketing communications. The symbol’s squares of color are intended to express the company’s diverse portfolio of products.”
Microsoft is preparing to release within the next couple months Windows 8, its latest operating system for PCs and laptops, and will begin selling its new Surface tablet computers, as well.
微软公司准备在未来几个月发布最新的Windows 8操作系统,适用于个人电脑和笔记本电脑。同时,微软也将开始发售自己的平板电脑Surface。