
2015-03-25 09:58:10 字体放大:  


在BEC考试阅读中,我们经常会遇到一些细节性问题。那么什么是细节性问题呢?细节性问题是关于Supporting Details类的问题,通过Skimming找出主题后,应进一步掌握阐述和发展主题的主要事实,或按要求找出特定细节。在回答此类问题时,应采用查读法(Scanning),因为这些具体内容(Detai1s是用来说明、论证或分析文章中心的。这类题目常以"WH-"形式来提问,如who, what, when, where, why及how等形式。




1. We inform you that Mr. Yoshii, who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm.

2. We have to intimate to you that we haveauthorized Mr. Masuda, who has been with us formany years, to sign for our firm per procuration.

3. I have granted power of procuration to mychief clerk, Mr. Y. Yada, whose signature is appendedbelow.

4. I refer you to my signature at foot, also tothat of Mr. Gomi, who will sign per procuration.

5. You will find the signature of Mr. Yokota at the foot hereof.

6. Please give attention to our respective signatures at foot.

7. We ask your attention to the signature at foot.

8. We call your attention to our signatures at foot.

9. We refer you to his signature at foot.

10. We have the pleasure to inform you that we have given the firm's procuration to Mr.A., the son of our partner.

11. We herewith inform you that we have authorized Mr. J. T., who has been with us formany years, to sign for our firm per procuration.

12. We have to intimate that Mr. J. F., who has had charge of our cereals department forsome considerable time will in future sign for the firm.

13. I have the pleasure to inform you that he has been authorized to sign for the firm byprocuration.

14. Mr. F., who has been with us for the last twenty years, is granted power of procuration,and we shall feel obliged if, instead of sending your kind inquiries and orders direct to ourLondon works, you will, in future, place them with him.

15. We have the honour to inform you that we have this day accorded Power ofProcuration to Mr. R.G., who has faithfully assisted us for the last two years.

16. We request you to regard all that he may do in our name as done by ourselves.

17. As the state of my health prevents me at present from giving personal attention tobusiness, I have given my procuration to Mr. C.R., who assisted me for the last fifteen years tomy perfect satisfaction.

18. At the same time we entrust our procuration to our head clerk, Mr.G.C., whosecapacity we can too highly praise, and whose sincere interest in our house has alreadycemented between us a warm and mutual friendship.

19. The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I haveaccorded power of procuration to Mr. H. Kondo, who has ably assisted me for the last twentyyears, and has been connected with this firm from the date of its establishment.

20. We trust to be favoured with your valued confidence in the future, and we ask to drawyour attention to the signature here below.














