【编者按】威廉希尔app 为了让大家更好的运用商务英语,我们威廉希尔app 搜集和整理了“用英语向IBM订购新一代计算机的求购信函”希望对大家产生帮助。
1. IBM新产品信息来源
Dear Sir/Madam,
We happened to find rich information about 2003 IBM new products from your company’’s web page, and we developed great interest in these new wonders of technology.
As we are planning to start a training program about web technology, computers need to be installed in our newly established lab. For this reason we have decided to place ansgroupsof these new series with due consideration of the high reputation of your company and the high quality of your products. The firstsgroupswill be 100 computers. If necessary, we’ll make a largersgroupsnext year. 由于我们正打算启动一个新的网络技术培训项目,需要在新改建的实验室中安装一批电脑。考虑到贵公司的声誉良好、产品优质,我们决定订购这些新一代的计算机。第一次想订购100台。如果可能的话,我们明年将增加订量。
Please give us detailed accounts concerning functions of these new products and after-sale service. It will be better if a handbook is provided on maintenance and compatibility of the computer as soon as possible.
We also need to know the price of each style and the terms of payment. Please takesintosconsideration a proper discount because it is a wholesale deal and we desire a long-term cooperation.
We wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver the goods to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School on May 31, 2003. We would like to express our gratitude for your kind consideration of the request. We look forward to your reply as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Tony Wang
(212 words)
上述内容就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的了“用英语向IBM订购新一代计算机的求购信函”对大,希望家产生帮助,更多资料请咨询威廉希尔app 商务英语专栏。理人必备的英文单词”希望对大家产生帮助。