² /dVd/+/h/ charged her /tFB:dV hE:/
² /dVd/+/dV/ damaged jade /`dAmidV dVeid/
² /dVd/+/l/ damaged letter /`dAmidV `letE/
² /dVd/+/m/ charged minutes /tFB:dV minits/
² /dVd/+/n/ changed name /tFeindV neim/
² /dVd/+/w/ charged with /tFa:dV wiT/
² /dVd/+/j/ not changed yet /nRt tFeindV jet/
² /dVd/+/r/ changed reason /tFeindV ri:zn/
类型三:动词否定结尾的缩写形式 n’t 中的/t/失音 (无论后一词以元音还是辅音开头)
You mustn’t /mQsn/ lose it
Doesn’t /dQzn/ she know?
He wouldn’t /wudn/ overeat.
类型四:前一词以/t/ 结束,后一词以/t/ 或 /d/开头,则前面的/t/往往失音。
I’ve got to go. /aiv `gRt[ g[u/
What do you want? /wRd[ ju wRnt/
注:后一词如始于h则/t/ /d/很少脱落
破擦音 /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/
cut down / kQ daun/
stick to /sti tu:/
break down /bri daun/
let go /le g[u /
step by step /st bai step/
word by word /w[ bai w[d/
step down /st daun/
jump cut /dVQm kQt/
jump pass /dVQ pB:s/
think back /WiN bAk/
think poorly of /WiN `pu[li/
dig deep /di di /
tag card /tA kB:d/
tig tag /ti tAg/
bug doctor /bQ `dCkt[/
log book /lC buk/
log grade /lC greid/
good grade /gu greid/
up grade /Q greid/
grab bag /grA bAg/
cab protector /kA prC`tekt[/
dab down /dA daun/
up to you /Q tu: ju:/
get back /ge bAk/
sit pretty /si `preti/
add color /A `kQl[/
bad debt /bA det/
bad packing /bA `pAkiN/
sack grip /sA grip/
slab glass /slA glB:s/
get cracking /ge `krAkiN/
take care /tei kZ[/
² /p/+/i:/ a limp eagle /E limp i:gl/
² /p/+/i/ drop into a doze /drCp `intu/
² /p/+/e/ drop everything and help / drCp `evriWiN/
² /p/+/A/ limp as a doll /limp As E dCl/
² /p/+/B:/ drop arms /drCp B:ms/
² /p/+/C/ have the drop on /drCp Cn/
² /p/+/C:/ drop off /drCp C:f/
² /p/+/Q/ jump up/dVQp Qp/
² /p/+/E/ shrimp and crab /Frimp En krAb/
² /p/+/E:/ jump early /dVQp E:li/
² /p/+/ei/ drop eight eggs /dVCp eit/
² /p/+/ai/ pop-eyed /pCp aid/
² /p/+/au/ pop out /pCp aut/
² /p/+/Ci/ pump oil /pQmp Cil/
² /p/+/iE/ sharp ears /FB iEs/
² /p/+/Z[/ pump air /pQmp Z[/
² /p/+/Eu/ jump over /dVQp `EuvE/
² /t/+/i:/ at ease /At i:z/
² /t/+/i/ it is a…/it iz E/
² /t/+/e/ a slight edge over the opposition / slait edV/
² /t/+/A/ eat apples /i:t Aplz/
² /t/+/B:/ an excellent article /An `eksElEnt `B:tikl/
² /t/+/C/ beat off /bi:t Cv/
² /t/+/C:/ not at all /nCt Et C:l/
² /t/+/Q/ get up /get Qp/
² /t/+/E/ put that away /put TAt Ewei/
² /t/+/E:/ most urgent /mEust `E:dVEnt/
² /t/+/ei/ first aid /fE:st eid/
² /t/+/ai/ neat idea /ni:t ai`diE/
² /t/+/au/ paint our motherland /peint auE `mQTElAnd/
² /t/+/Ci/ eat oyster /i:t `CistE:s/
² /t/+/iE/ the best era /best `iErE/
² /t/+/Z[/ a triumphant air /trai`QmfEnt Z[/
² /t/+/Eu/ a chat over coffee / E tFAt `EuvE `kCfi/
² /k/+/i:/ look easy /luk i:zi/
² /k/+/i/ black ink /blAk iNk/
² /k/+/e/ break eggs /brik egz/
² /k/+/A/ look angry /luk ANgri/
² /k/+/B:/ look after /luk `B:ft[/
² /k/+/C/ take off /teik Rf/
² /k/+/C:/ take all /teik R:l/
² /k/+/Q/ look up /luk Qp/
² /k/+/E/ look at it /luk Et it/
² /k/+/E:/ adamic earth /E`dAmik E:W/ (红粘土)
² /k/+/ei/ take aim /teik eim/
² /k/+/ai/ Socratic irony /sC`krAtik `aiErEni/
² /k/+/au/ look out /luk aut/
² /k/+/Ci/ strike oil /straik Cil/
² /k/+/iE/ a sympathetic ear / E simpE`Wetik iE/
² /k/+/Z[/ lack air /lAk Z[/
² /k/+/Eu/ think over / WiNk EuvE/
² /f/+/i:/ make yourself easy /meik jR:`self i:zi/
² /f/+/i/ if it should be necessary /if it/
² /f/+/e/ if any /if eni/
² /f/+/A/ an aloof actor / En E`lu:f `AktE/
² /f/+/B:/ if ask me /if B:sk mi:/
² /f/+/C/ puff on a cigar /puf Cn E `si:gB:/
² /f/+/C:/ wolf or dog /wulf C: dCg/
² /f/+/Q/ huff and puff up the stairs /puf Qp stZ[z/
² /f/+/E/ half an hour /hB:f En auE/
² /f/+/E:/ if early /if E:li/
² /f/+/ei/ if eight girls /if eit/
² /f/+/ai/ if I /if ai/
² /f/+/au/ puff out /puf aut/
² /f/+/Ci/ if oil is used up /if Cil/
² /f+/iE/ half ear /hB:f iE/
² /f/+/Z[/ if air disappears /if Z[/
² /f/+/Eu/ if only /if `Eunli/
² /s/+/i:/ He took his ease by the swimming pool /his i:z/
² /s/+/i/ his income /his `inkEm/
² /s/+/e/ loose any restrain /lus eni/
² /s/+/A/ a loose anchor line /E lu:s `ANkE lain/
² /s/+/B:/ a false arm /E fC:s B:m/
² /s/+/C/ face off /feis Cf/
² /s/+/C:/ ice or water /ais C: `wCtE/
² /s/+/Q/ ice up /ais Qp/
² /s/+/E/ bus and train /bQs End trein/
² /s/+/E:/ in one's early life /wQns E:li laif/
² /s/+/ei/ his aim /his eim/
² /s/+/ai/ his idea / his ai`diE/
² /s/+/au/ his outline /his `autlain/
² /s/+/Ci/ abies oil / Abi:z Cil/
² /s/+/iE/ on its ear /C its iE/
² /s/+/Z[/ his air /his Z[/
² /s/+/Eu/ ice over /ais `EuvE/