2013年商务英语中级口语练习: 损坏

2013-03-13 11:00:33 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 商务英语考证频道为大家搜集整理了商务英语中级相关知识内容,具体内容如下:

2013年商务英语中级口语练习: 损坏


以上六个词中,“hurt” 可作及物,不及物动词外,其余五个均为及物动词。

“damage” —— 损坏(害)(有修复的可能性)

“destroy” —— 摧毁,打破(希望,计划)毁灭(无修复的可能性)

“hurt” —— 伤害(感情或身体某一部位)痛疼

“spoil” —— 破坏,糟蹋(晚会,旅游,参观等)宠爱,惯怀(孩子)

“wound” —— 使受伤(枪伤,刀伤)

“injure” —— 使受伤

Don't spoil your son too much.

The man has destroyed the girl's life all her hopes.

Some houses were damaged in the earthquake.

I don't mean to hurt you.

He was injured in the accident.

It was dangerous because he was wounded seriously in the war

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