
2013-05-30 13:21:37 字体放大:  

⑸ symbol n. 象征

例句:The lion is a symbol of courage.


⑹ behave v. 举动;表现

例句:She’s been behaving rather oddly.


⑺ shock v. 震惊

例句:It shocked me to see how my neighbours treated their children.


3、 核心短语讲解

⑴ take up 占据,占用(时间或空间)


Writing this novel takes up most of her time. 写这本小说占用了她的大部分时间。

My books take up too much room. 我的书占据了太多的空间。

⑵ get along with 与。。。和睦相处,与。。。合得来


She doesn’t get along with her sister very well. 她和她的姐姐相处得并不好。

How do you get along with your new boss? 你和你的新老板相处得怎么样?

⑶ belong to 归属,属于


This book belongs to me. 这本书是我的。

These valuable cultural relics belong to China. 这些珍贵的文物属于中国。

⑷ be made of 由。。。制成

be made of 表示‘由。。。制成’的意思时指原材料显而易见,而与之相对的be made from 表示‘由。。。制成’的意思时则看不出原材料。例如:

What is the adjustable desk made of ? 这张活动课桌是由什么材料做的?

Clouds are made of little drops of water. 云是由小水滴形成的。

Bread is made from flour and water. 面包是用面粉和水制成的。

⑸ take up 开始从事,占据

take up 表示‘开始从事’的意思时通常是人做主语,指某人开始从事某事;表示‘占据’的意思时通常是物做主语,指某事(物)占用了时间或空间。例如:

He took up art while at school. 他上学时开始对艺术感兴趣。

Expurgating this book took up most of my time. 修订这本书占用了我大部分时间。

These boxes of yours are taking up too much place. 你的这些箱子占了太多的地方。

4、 核心句型讲解

⑴ For more than 50 years ,Albert Einstein has stood alone as the world symbol of brain power.


讲解:for 引导的是时间状语,as 引导的短语做stood 的状语,指‘作为。。。’。例如:

He is very strict with students as an excellent teacher. 作为一名优秀教师,他对学生要求非常严格。
