OL English 在线英语 二 (69) 3月10日 星期六
" Die Hard " 《虎胆龙威》
Hey,how you doing,man?你好吗?
I'm Agent Johnson.我是特工强森。
This is Special Agent Johnson.
Oh,how you doing?你好吗?
No relation.闲话少说。I'm, uh...我是...
I'm Dwayne Robinson L.A.P.D.
I'm in charge here.这里由我指挥。
Not anymore.不再由你指挥了。
★最常见英美姓氏排行:第一位:Smith 第二位:Johnson 第三位:Jones 第四位:Williams 第五位:Brown
Craft Services 食物存放工作台 (提供演员及工作人员食物 保证体力充沛)
PA:Production Assident 制片助理 (管理 Craft Services )
American Slang 美国俚语 from " Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban " 《哈利波特3》
" Yeah, take it away Ernie! " 要出发了,尔尼。(片中)
" take it away " 准备要开始了 要出发了 (没问题的尽情发挥)
例:(1). Take it away! You’re going to be great! 准备好了,你没问题的!
(2). Alright boys,take it away! 好了,孩子们,要出发了。
Classic Clips 经典对白 from "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban " 《哈利波特3》
1. " Mind your head. " 小心头。(片中)
" mind " n.脑子 v.当心 注意 (If someone minds something, it means that they pay attention to it or that they are cautious about something. It can also just mean to look at or notice something.)
例:Mind your head. The ceiling is pretty low here. 小心头,这里的屋顶有点低。
2. " So that’s that and no harm done. " 事情解决了,没造成任何伤害。(片中)
" that’s that " 事情已经结束,不必担心了 全都完成了 全部齐活了 (When someone says, that’s that, it’s a way of saying that a situation is over, finished, and not to worry about it anymore.)
例:(1). That’s that. All packed and ready to go! 就这样了,行李都收拾好了,可以走了。
(2). Well, that’s that. I don’t think I need anything else. 都完成了,我觉得不需要其他的了。
Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女
turkey cheese sandwiches
OL English 在线英语二(68) 3月9日 星期五
Kui.cc Training
" Dodgeball " 《闪避球奇迹》
Because here at Globo Gym we're better than you .
and we know it .
health diet and regular exercise is good for you .
Framing Chart 对焦图
American Slang 美国俚语 from 《闻香识女人》
Piece or weapon, Charlie, never a gun . (片中)
piece 家伙
例:That painting by Monet is such a beautiful piece.
I really like that piece, you're wearing.
I can't believe you're still driving the piece.
Classic Clips 经典对白 from " Scent of a Woman " 《闻香识女人》
(1)Oh , now we're cooking . (片中)
someone is cooking 有眉目,步入正题
例:Now you're cooking ... tell me more about her .
(2)You're just in a slump right now . (片中)
be in a slump 低谷,沮丧
例:I've never been stuck(卡住) in such a slump before my life seems pointless(没有意义)
Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女
Tricolor roast sweet pepper 三色烤甜椒
pepper 黑胡椒粉
red wine vinegar 红酒醋
olive oil 橄榄油
apple cider vinegar 苹果醋
居家男人38节为S妹妹代劳1天OL English(067)03月08日OL English(067)03月08日 Kui.cc Training
《肖申克的救赎》 - Keep you happy and doing the laundry,money instead of sheets.你洗的不是床单,而是钱。
- Well,I work cheap,that’s the tradeoff. do the laundry洗衣服,床单之类的东西,这里指laudry money洗钱
American Slang 美国俚语
内容提要:Mrs. Rossi的女儿突然提醒Mrs. Rossi该让Colonel出去散步了,Mrs. Rossi就让Charlie带Colonel出去吹吹风,透透气了,她是怎么说的呢? - Mommy, Mommy!Don't forget Uncle Frank's walk. - Oh, ha... Yeah.Uh, you have to air him out...a little every day.
★air out通通风,透透气。用法:to air something/someone out 例:Ah!I’ve been wearing this shirt all day,I’m starting to smell a little funky.I’d better take the shirt off and air it out a little bit.
Classci Clips 经典对白
内容提要:Colonel要去纽约,Charlie想知道原因,Colonel说你不要问那么多,该告诉你的时候会告诉你的,他是怎么说的呢? - So, why are we going to New York ? - All information will be given on a need-to-know basis.
★on a need-to-know basis.该知道的原则下。这句话言外之意就是“你该知道的时候,需要知道的时候,我会告诉你的” 有人要打听你的年龄、职业、收入、家庭情况等,你不想回答,你该怎么说呢?例:I’m sorry,but information about this is private,on a need-to-know basis,I can’t tell you anything. 对不起,这些信息都是隐私,你该知道的时候我会告诉你的,此刻无可奉告。
内容提要:Colonel想要找个女人共度良宵,他说他想找个最好的,他是怎么说的呢? - I'm talkin' top of the line, now. - Let me think about this, sir.
★top of the line最好的 ①老师向哈佛大学推荐他的学生,他是怎么形容这个学生的例:This student is top of the line,best in school sports,best academic scores,and has a great character! 这个学生是最好的,体育最好,成绩最好,性格也不错。 ②朋友向我借衣服去参加晚宴,我给了他件一般的衣服,他是这么说的。例:No,I’m looking for the top of the line,it can’t be an average one. 我要找的是最好的,不能太普通了
Behind The Scenes 特别收录
producer制片人 Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女 水果面膜
OL English 在线英语二(66)3月7日 星期三
Kui.cc Training 秀
" You've Got Mail " 《电子情书》
As far as I'm concerned the internet is just another way of being rejected by a woman.
Sound Stage 制片厂
American Slang 美国俚语 from 《闻香识女人》
Still here, poor mouth?(片中)
poor mouth 说话缺乏教养
例:That person sure is a poor mouth, his parents are so educated.you'd expect they'd taught him to speak a little better.
Classic Clips 经典对白 from 《闻香识女人》
(1)His bark is worse than his bite . (片中)
one's bark is worse than one's bite 刀子嘴豆腐心; 外强中干
例:Don't be nervous kids, his bark is worse than his bite, Actually ,he's very nice.
(2)One of the few perks of this office is that I'm in power to handle certain matters on my own as I see fit, do you understand?(片中)
as I see fit 按我的意思做
例:Listen, in this house you will be have as I see fit, do you understand?
Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女
Cold radish in sauce 凉拌萝卜皮
appetiser 开胃菜,凉菜,小菜
OL English 在线英语二(65) 3月6日 星期二
" You've Got Mail " 《电子情书》
Because we'll sell them cheap books and legal and addictive stimulants.
American Slang 美国俚语 from 《闻香识女人》
$1200 is a little rich for my blood, Harry .(片中)
too sth for my blood 某件事达到某种程度让人吃不消,太多了
That's too much for me .对我来说太多了。
Woo, that's too rich for my blood . 那不是我这种家庭水平作的事情。
rich 可以换作sweet
例:Oh , I don't like chocolate, that's too sweet for my blood, I'll just drink some water.
(1)Hard workers, you got me all misty- eyed! (片中)
misty - eyed 热泪盈眶,眼眶湿润
例:A: How's the movie ? B: The ending of movie got me all misty-eyed , I almost cried it was so sad.
(2)Are you sharp shooting me , punk? is that what you 're doing , don't you sharp shoot me!(片中)
sharp shoot 攻击(用语言),挑剔
例:Easy, calm down! there's no reason to start sharp shooting me .
Prop 道具 set dressing 准道具
Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女
orange hair conditioner 厄
OL English 在线英语二(64)3月5日 星期一
Kui.cc Training 秀
"Dodgeball " 《闪避球奇迹》
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.
American Slang 美国俚语 from 《闻香识女人》
Should the headmaster of Baird be seen putt-putting around in some junker? (片中)