
2013-05-30 08:18:03 字体放大:  







每日一菜:(personal)Fresh cucumber with bean sauce   拌黄瓜

OL English 在线英语二(37)2月6日     星期二 Training    秀

"Die Hard"  《虎胆龙威》

Now I know what a Tv dinner feels like.


Walk of film in Hollywood     星光大道

American Slang   美国俚语   from " When Harry Met Sally "《当哈里遇到萨莉》

Amanda mentioned you had a dark side . (片中)

dark side    *,黑暗的一面(人的内心)

例:She's not all bad ,you only see her dark side, if you get to know her better, you'll find out she's really funny too.

她不是很坏,你只是看到了她不好的方面,如果你能进一步了解她,你会发现她也很好。 You know, you always look at the dark side of the life, let's try to be a little more optimistic and positive ,let's look at the brighter side. 你知道,你总是看生活黑暗的一面,让我们多一些乐观和积极,多看看光明的一面。

1)It just so happens that I have had plenty of good *. (片中)It just so happens that   碰巧

例:Well, It just so happens that I love tomatoes!哦,刚刚好我爱吃土豆。It just so happens that I have been there several times . 碰巧我去过那好多次。

(2)Amanda is my friend. so ? you're going with her, so? you're coming on to me! (片中)

come on to someone   追求,挑逗

例:He kepting to come on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚一直追求我,最后我只好离开。Let's just have a nice dinner, I promise I won't try to come on to you .       我们只是吃顿晚餐,我保证绝不追求你。

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

每日一菜:Sweet - sour boneless pork   咕咾肉

OL English 在线英语二(36)2月5日   星期一

《早餐俱乐部》Are you a psychic ?你是个算命的吗?

Location Scout   负责勘查地点的人

American Slang   美国俚语  from  《莎翁情史》

You will go far , I fear . (片中)

go far   成功,有成就(拥有一个成功的人生)

例:My darling, in this life you will go far . 亲爱的, 你肯定会在将来的人生中取得成就。    If you keep studying like this ,you'll definitely go far . 如果你能坚持象这样学习,你将来一定会非常成功的。

(1)Would you oblige me with 50 or so in gold just to settle my accounts at the dock side . (片中)oblige someone   请求帮忙

例:Please oblige me and open the door for me . 请帮我把车门打开。

(2)No, It will turn out well . (片中)

turn out (well )结果会好的

例:It seems like business isn't going well right now, but I'm sure things will turn out .最近生意不怎么好,但是我肯定会好起来的。

Eat Drink Man Woman  饮食男女

Roti Canai   印度烤饼

Indian Milk Tea  印度奶茶

每日一菜:(Personal )Duck web soup    鸭掌汤

OL English 在线英语二(35)2月4日 星期日 Training


The next time I have to come in here. 下次我再进来的时候。

I'm cracking skulls. 我们就都玩儿完了。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Cardellini 螺旋夹

American Slang 美国俚语

from 《莎翁情史》 The queen asks for you , answer well . (片中)

ask for someone 要求见....

例:I 'm sorry to interrupt the meeting , but the boss is asking for you.


Your grandmother asked for you, please in hurry go to her, there's not much time.


Classic Clips 经典对白 from 《莎翁情史》

(1)Nature and truth are the very enemies of play acting , I'll wager my fortune. (片中)

wager 打赌

例:I'll wager that she doesn't make it on time , what do you think?  我打赌她一定不会准时来,你觉得呢?Let's make a wager if she says yes, I'll take you to dinner ,but if she says no, you take me.  我们打个赌,如果她答应了,那么我请你吃饭,但是如果她没有答应,你请我。

(2)Kegs and legs open, and on the house . (片中) on the house 有人买单

例:Are these drinks on the house or should I expect to pay later?  这些酒是免费的还是需要之后另付呢?

Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女 Chapatti 印度薄饼

每日一菜: (Personal ) meat congeal 肉冻

OL English 在线英语二(34)2月3日   星期六

What do you need a fake ID for?


So I can vote.



safety    运作的安全保证

American Slang     美国俚语   from  《莎翁情史》

While the law of the land has our heroines being played by Pipsqueak boys in petticoats.(片中)

Pipsqueak   懦弱无用的人

例:Come on ! Don't be such a pipsqueak, be a man !Go and talk to her .不要那么懦弱,做个男人,去和她说说。

We don't want them on our baseball team, they're just little pipsqueak ,we want someone stronger.  我们不能让他们加入棒球队,他们不怎么有力量,我们需要强壮一些的人。

(1)oh, Thomas ,she has cut my strings. (片中)cut someone's strings  希望破灭

例:I'm not allowed to hang out with you, my parents cut all my strings. 我不能和你出去了,我父母断了我的希望。

(2)You kiss by the book ! (片中)

by the book   严格遵守;机械的遵守

例:I don't know why I can't do it right, Actually I'm doing everything by the book, but I'm still having problems.我不知道为什么我做的不对,实际上我都是严格按照书上做的,但是仍然有问题。These rules must be followed by the book , no going out late at night .这些规则必须严格遵守,太晚不可以出去。

Eat Drink Man Woman   饮食男女 瘦身丰胸汤

每日一菜:(Personal)Rice-stuffed chicken   八宝鸡

OL English 在线英语二(33)2月2日    星期五

"The Breakfast Club "   《早餐俱乐部》

Eat my shorts  去死吧!(80年代流行)

= go to the hell  (now )

detention  拘留,囚禁,处罚

Behind The Scenes   特别收录

Permit   许可证

American Slang    美国俚语   from  "Shakespeare in Love "《莎翁情史》

So how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul-mate.(片中)

soul mate   心灵伴侣,心灵相通的人

例:Oh, man, I've been dating so many women but I still haven't found my soul-mate .

You guys are so beautiful together , you're like soul -mate.

Classic Clips     经典对白    from 《莎翁情史》

(1)One day she was three months gone with child. (片中)

with child   怀孕

例:She can't come on vacation with us, she's with child and must stay at home.

(2)Are you to be my Muse, Rosaline ? (片中)

Muse   灵感 , (缪司女神)

例:You have not been able to write music for weeks! you must find a Muse to inspire you.

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

Fruity Mix    水果捞

3 color sago   三色西米捞

每日一菜:(personal )Preserved egg    皮蛋

OL English 在线英语二(32)2月1日     星期四 Training

" Fight Club " 《搏击会》

A house full of condiments and no food .


bachelor   单身汉

bachelor's pad   单身汉公寓(房间)

ketchup  番茄酱

Webcast    网上直播

American Slang     美国俚语   from 《剪刀手爱德华》

Nothing to worry about, with your talent and reputation , It's gonna be a snap. (片中)

snap   简单,小菜一碟

例:Wow, you finished that project in a snap! I'm impressed with your work. Oh, don't worry! I'll pick up Chinese in year, It's a snap.

1)simmer down    冷静,安静下来

例:Hey, simmer down dear, It's okay.  Okay, everyone, simmer down , Time to start our lesson .

(2)The roof caved in on him . (片中)cave in   倒塌

例:The roof of that ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance . Be careful, the roof might cave in and we'll fall through !

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

Fried Vegetable   清炒杭白菜

每日一菜:Fried shrimps with scrambled eggs    虾仁炒蛋

OL English 在线英语二(31)1月31日    星期三 Training    秀

"Rush Hour"  《尖峰时刻》
