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OL English 在线英语 (42)2月11日   星期日

"Rush Hour 2" 《尖峰时刻2》

In HongKong , I'm Michael Jackson!

you are toto!


You mean Tito!  Toto is what we ate last night for dinner.


Behind The Scenes   特别收录

Cinematography     电影摄影

American Slang     美国俚语    from " The Fifth Element"  《第五元素》

Yes,you must be parched . (片中)

parched   特别渴,口干舌燥

例:I've been running aroud all day and I'm so parched. 我跑了一整天,口干舌燥的。

(1)I'm up  . (片中)up    醒来 = get up , get out of bed

例:Are you up yet? you're going to late ! 你还没有起来吗?你要迟到了。 Okay,okay, I'm up ! you don't need to scream, mom! 好了,好了,我起来了,妈妈别再喊了!

(2)You want to play soft ! I'll play soft . you want to play it hard ?let's play it hard . (片中)

play it hard  动硬的,来真的

例:I don't want to play it hard with you, I just want to talk to you quietly and gently .我不想和你动硬的,我只是想和你心平气和的讲道理。 It looks like you've been playing it hard at work today. 你看起来很累,今天工作是不是动真的了!

每日一菜:(Personal)Sugar-coated haws on a stick  糖葫芦

OL English 在线英语二(41)  2月10日   星期六

" Seven "    《七宗罪》

This isn't going to have a happy ending.


Behind The Scenes   特别收录

Teamster  专车司机

American Slang    美国俚语   from  《当哈里遇到萨莉》

I can't do this anymore, I am not your consolation prize . (片中)consolation prize   安慰奖

例:Well, I came in last when I was running, but at least I got $ 100 as a consolation prize , that made me feel better. I know that you really like Susan, but she doesn't like you, so you're calling me, what am I ? your consolation prize ?

1)I don't know why I let you drag me to this (片中) drag someone  硬拉

例:Ok, I will go to the library, if you drag me there. I will go shopping with you, of course, no problem! I will go , if you drag me there. He dragged me here,it's not my fault .

(2)Not everybody I likes it on the cake because it makes it very soggy .(片中)

soggy  湿淋淋的,湿乎乎的

例:It must have rained last night, the grass is really soggy! These French fries are really soggy, I like mine to be crispy .

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

Pigs in a Blanket   肉肠卷

maize cake  玉米饼

每日一菜:(personal)New Year Cake  年糕

OL English 在线英语 二(40)  2月9日   星期五

《国家公敌》You can tell by their hair cuts .


we're ops   特种兵

Ops = operations   特工,特种兵

Kodak Theater    柯达影院(每年举办奥斯卡颁奖典礼闻名)

American Slang   美国俚语   from 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

I'm just trying to help you have good taste. (片中)good taste   有品位

例:Wow, you always look so classy and beautiful you really have good taste in clothes.       All right , I can't believe you're wearing the blue socks with the black pants , If you had good taste, you would know blue and black are clashing colors and you wouldn't wear them.

Classic Clips     经典对白   from 《当》

(1)Does Julian seem a little stuffy to you? (片中)stuffy   古板

例:My teacher is very nice but stuffy . Hey, honey, I don't think you should wear this suit to the party tonight, people will think you're too stuffy to talk to.

(2)Although it is not widely known, it is also the season of groveling. (片中)grovel   低声下气

例:I want to get back together with him but I'm not going to grovel. I'm not that kind of person who is always groveling to the boss I just do my job and hope that is enough.

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

Oat meal   燕麦片

每日一菜:(Personal )Steamed dumpling with dough gathered at the top    烧卖

OL English 在线英语二(39)2月8日   星期四 Training    秀

"Enemy of The State" 《国家公敌》

You know , in guerilla warfare ,you try to use your weaknesses as strengths.


Ravid vs Goliath situation

Behind The Scenes     特别收录

Grauman's Chinese Theater    格劳门中国剧院

American Slang    美国俚语   from 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

We can fly off to Rome on a moment's notice .(片中)on a moment's notice    即兴,没有事先准备

例:I like to keep my life *, I don't want to be tied down, that way I can take a  trip on a moment's notice.I really need you to keep up on your work, so they're always up to date,I might have to ask you sth and get information from you a moment's notice.

1)There are two kinds of women, high maintenance and low maintenance . (片中)

high maintenance    要求高   low maintenance   要求低

例:Everyday she wants me to call her, every night she wants me to give her a massage ,every birthday she wants me to bring her sth different she's really high maintenace. I hate having a long hair because it's such high maintenance .

(2)It spoke to you that pleases me. (片中)sth speaks to sb   共鸣,默契

例:That movie was   really amazing it really  spoke to me on a personal level.That song speaks to me,I feel like it was written for me .

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

Champagne   香槟

Sparkling wine   汽酒

to good health and to u!

每日一菜:(personal)Smashed bean bun 豆沙包

OL English 在线英语二(38)2月7日     星期三

Show  Time    秀

" Vanilla  Sky " 《香草的天空》

gossip    绯闻,流言

About  :Tom Cruis, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes

Behind The Scenes   特别收录

Charles Chaplin   查理.卓别林B.基登

American Slang    美国俚语  from   《当哈里遇见萨莉》

He made a pass at me, and when I said no. (片中)

a pass  挑逗

例:I can't believe he made a pass at me I'm going to sue. I'll go to the party with you,but as soon as someone makes a pass at me, I'm leaving.

Classic Clips     经典对白   from  《当哈里遇见萨莉》

(1)You'd be amazed what falling madly in love can do for you. (片中)

madly in love   疯狂坠入情网,疯狂恋爱

例:I've only known her for 2 weeks, but I feel like I am madly in love with her already! I just want to meet somebody, fall madly in love ,and run away with him.

(2)I am over him, but I'm in a mourning period. (片中)a mourning period   悲痛时期

例:There will be a mourning period but then you'll be fine. I also feel like I've been caught in a mourning period for such a long time now .

Eat Drink Man Woman    饮食男女

Tea Pots   茶壶

About song :I'm a little tea pot

shot and stout

here is my handle here is my spout

when I get a work up

here me shout

take me over and pour me out
