商务英语入门辅导Write a professional e-mail

2013-05-30 07:49:57 字体放大:  


商务英语入门辅导Write a professional e-mail

节节深入看商务,身临其境学英文。Business Talk栏目特邀剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL考试中心商务英语专家主持,向你呈现真实商务环境下的商务语言。 ESOL考试中心是剑桥大学考试委员会的直属部门,在全球范围内提供一系列国际认可的语言测评考试。在中国,剑桥考试项目包括商务英语证书(BEC)、博思考试(BULATS)、通用英语五级证书(MSE)和少儿英语(YLE)等。

E-MAIL has been called "the communication medium of the millennium". It is widely used by almost all companies. As a marketing assistant, Bi Hao has to learn how to write an effective e-mail.


Mentioning the last time you contacted that person is a good way to start off an e-mail. Then, write something about what you said — or could not say — to each other. Here are some suggestions:

Thank you for your letter: it was very interesting to hear about the new developments at ...

It was a pity I missed you when you visited our office last week, I would have liked to have heard all your news.

It was a pleasure to have dinner with you last Thursday. I think we had a very useful discussion.

It was good to talk to you on the phone today. I was sorry to hear that you have not been well.

Thank you for the fax, I was pleased to hear that you will be coming to visit ...

Main Message

This is the main reason you are writing.

Here are some friendly ways to lead into the bulk of your e-mail:
