
2013-03-19 10:50:57 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 商务英语考证频道为大家搜集整理了商务英语高级相关知识内容,具体内容如下:


商店里堆满了六尺高的货物,外面的街道上人潮拥挤,销售人员们在人潮中汗流浃背地工作。 但是这一幕并不是发生在富裕国家圣诞采购季的商业街上,而是在尼日利亚南部的奥尼查市场,并且这里一年到头几乎天天如此。很多人都说这个市场是世界上最大的市场。每天都有300万顾客来到这里购买大米、肥皂、电脑和建筑装备。这里还是来自几内亚湾的商人们的货物集散中心。几内亚湾地区虽然是个腐败、海盗、贫穷和疾病横行的地方,但它同时也拥有一批非常活跃的企业家和越来越繁荣的消费群体。


The shops are stacked six feet high with goods, the streets outside are jammed with customers and salespeople are sweating profusely under the onslaught. But this is not a high street during the Christmas-shopping season in the rich world. It is the Onitsha market in southern Nigeria, every day of the year. Many call it the world’s biggest. Up to 3m people go there daily to buy rice and soap, computers and construction equipment. It is a hubfor traders from the Gulf of Guinea, a region blighted by corruption, piracy, poverty and disease but also home to millions of highly motivated entrepreneurs and increasingly prosperous consumers.


在上述报道中,"hub"就是“集散中心”的意思。"hub"还有“轮轴”的意思,与“中心”的意思相通。此外,表示“集散中心”还可以用"distribution center"或者"entrepot"。


A state-of-the-art hub is opened in Brussels.


We hope to make Tainan our regional distribution centerfor southen Taiwan.


Hong Kong is the most important entrepot for trade between the EU and the Mainland.


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